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Item Japonca ve Türkçe'deki eylemlerin üye yapısı,dil öğretimi amaçlı bir karşılaştırma(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006) Akbay, Okan Haluk; Uzun, Nadir Engin; OtherAkbay, Okan Haluk, Argument Structure of Verbs in Japanese and Turkish-AComparative Study On Language Teaching -, Ph.D Thesis, Advisor : Prof.Dr.Nadir EnginUzun, 342 p.In modern linguistics, argument structure is considered as a theory which connects thesyntactic and semantic structures of the sentence and gives various explanations to thisrelationship. In this theory, it can be said that especially three elements play an importantrole. These elements are argument structure, theta grid and case-marker.In this dissertation, basic verbs in Japanese and Turkish are compared in view of thesethree elements, and by the results of the analysis, a new Japanese teaching method hasbeen developed for Turkish learners of Japanese. The main aim of this dissertation is tomake a contribution to Japanese language teaching in Turkey and to comparativelinguistic studies between Turkish and Japanese languages.Key Words : argument structure, theta grid, case-markerItem JAPONCA VE TÜRKÇEDEKİ EYLEMLERİN ÜYE YAPISI - DİL ÖĞRETİMİ AMAÇLI BİR KARŞILAŞTIRMA -(SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ, 2006) Akbay, Haluk; Uzun, Nadir EnginItem Koşaç tümceleri: Evrensel dilbilgisi çerçevesinde Türkçe ve Çince'nin karşılaştırılması(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006) Chen, Chien Hsun; Uzun, Nadir Engin; DilbilimiChen, Chien-Hsun, Copular Sentences: Comparison of Turkish and Chinese inUniversal Grammar, Master?s Thesis, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Nadir Engin Uzun, 86 p.There are a lot of works on copular sentences in last 30 years. Heggie (1987,1988) provides a unified theory of English copular structures. After Heggie,Heycock (1994), Rothstein (1995, 2001), Moro (1997), Heycock & Kroch (1997,1999), Löbel (2000), Partee (2000), Adger & Ramchand (2001), Mikkelsen (2004),Den Dikken (2006) are also provides a lot contribution to copular sentences.In this Dissertation we will investigate the copular sentences in Chinese andTurkish. Wang (1943), Chao (1968), Tang (1979), Li & Thompson (1982), Huang(1988) and Hsieh (1997, 2002) have given a lot of efforts on Chinese copularsentences. However, only Huang (1988) and Hsieh (1997) talk about the syntax ofcopular sentence. There are few works in Turkish copula sentences, we can find theworks from Konfilt (1997) and Uzun?s (2003, 2004).In this dissertation, our aim is to provide the syntax of copular sentences inChinese and Turkish.Keywords: Chinese, Turkish, copula, copular sentences, inversionItem Türk dillerinin tipolojik karşılaştırılması: WALS veri tabanına göre Türk dillerindeki benzerlikler ve farklılıklar(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2015) Tashmurad, Shejauddin; Uzun, Nadir Engin; DilbilimiIn this study, Turkic Languages are compared in terms of their similarity rates and dissimilarity scores in the framework of structural language features encoded in WALS (The World Atlas of Language Structures) database. The objective of this study is to examine the relation between the similarity rate and the geographical distance of Turkic Languages based on their similarity rates. 14 out of 41 Turkic languages, in which at least 20 structural features have been specified in the WALS database which aims to study 2676 world languages in terms of 144 structural language features, are compared in this study. The similarity rates of the selected Turkic languages have been identified based on their codified common features and the tables in which mutual similarity rates of the Turkic languages are ordered have been obtained. The mutual dissimilarity rates of Turkic languages, on the other hand, have been identified based on the distributional or hierarchical values where they display their features and therefore, the average dissimilarity rates have been determined. The order of the similarity rates of the Turkic languages based on the features specified in the WALS database have been compared with the order of the Turkic languages based on geographical distances to see if any overlaps between these orders exist. It is concluded that there is no significant overlap between the order of similarity rate and the order of geographical distance in the Turkic Languages and any minor overlap found is random.Item Türkçe genel sözlük hazırlama süreci üzerine bir araştırma(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019) Özcan, Emrah; Uzun, Nadir Engin; Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya FakültesiBu tezde, Hartmann'ın (2001) "sözlük araştırması" olarak adlandırdığı ve sözlüğü farklı açılardan ele alarak inceleyen ilkeler çerçevesinde eski sözlüklerden başlayarak günümüze dek gelen süreçte sözlüklere değinilmiş, sözlüğün tarihsel gelişimi ele alınmaya çalışılmış, ardından farklı dünya dillerinde basılan sözlüklerle, o dillere ait sözlükbilim uygulamaları incelenmiş ve farklı dil ailelerine ait dillerdeki sözlüklerin özelliklerine bakılmıştır. Birbirine tipolojik olarak uzak olan dillere ait sözlüklerin hazırlanma biçimlerinin, bu değişime paralel olarak farklılık gösterdiği gözlenmiştir. Dolayısıyla, dilin kendine özgü tipolojik özelliklerinin sözlüğün hazırlanmasında belirleyici bir konumda olduğu görülmüştür. Sözlükleri genel olarak, topluca ele aldıktan sonra, elde edilen veriler ışığında Türk Dil Kurumu'nun yayınladığı Türkçe Sözlük ele alınmış ve bu sözlük hakkında çeşitli açılardan değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, TS'de farklı türlerde sorunlar olduğu gözlenmiştir. Maddebaşı seçimi, maddebaşı anlamını sıralama, maddebaşı örnekleri ve bu örneklerin tanımlarla tutarlılığı konularında eksikliklerin var olduğu, bu eksikliklerin giderilebilmesi için sözlüğü planlama, hazırlama ve basım aşamalarında sözlükbilimin etkileşim içerisinde olduğu diğer alanlardan yararlanılması gerektiği ve yalnızca bununla da kalmayıp sözlüğün temel alacağı bir derlem oluşturulması için çalışmalar yapılması, bu çalışmaların da günümüz standartlarını yakından takip etmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. In this thesis, dictionaries compiled since the historical times until today have been mentioned along with the historical development of the dictionaries, then, dictionaries compiled in different languages of the world and the lexicography of those languages were surveyed according to Hartmann's (2001) concept of "dictionary research". It was observed that typologically different languages produced different dictionaries as a result. Therefore, it can be concluded that the specific typological characteristics of languages are in a determinant position in the preparation of dictionaries. After surveying dictionaries in general, the focus was put on the Turkish Dictionary published by the Turkish Language Association. According to the results obtained, there are different types of problems residing in Turkish Dictionary; deficiencies in entry selection (lemmatization), ordering of the senses of the entry, examples of entries and the inconsistency of these examples with the sense of the entry. In order to eliminate these deficiencies, it is almost compulsory to cooperate with other disciplines, in which the lexicography interacts. Therefore, improvements in the planning, preparation and compilation stages of dictionaries are highly needed. It is concluded that studies should be carried out in order to form a corpus which will be used as a basis for the dictionary, and these studies should follow current lexicographical standards closely.Item Türkçe ve Kırgızca dil yapılarının dil öğretimi amaçlı karşılaştırması(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2010) Gümüş, Muhittin; Uzun, Nadir Engin; DilbilimiThe comparative analysis of the Turkish and Kyrgyz languages patterns was made in this work for the purpose of their teachıng. Among the Turkic written languages Azerbaijan, Gagauz and Turkmen Turkish are the most closely related to the modern Turkish language. Similarity or dissimilarity of Kyrgyz language together with other written languages of Kypchak group as Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkir with the Turkish language is quite a different matter. Expected questions, methods which should be carried, techniques, teachers? knowledge or students? different levels are of great importance during interactive learning process. What should be done when teaching Turkish to Kyrgyz people or Kyrgyz to Turkish people? An acquired knowledge and experience should be evaluated in order to develop or change practical training.Students learning Turkish/ Kyrgyz language, researchers or grown-ups will be able to improve their Turkish/ Kyrgyz language skills successfully if an aproach, technique and methods aimed to the problems that can be faced during learning or teaching Turkish or Kyrgyz and when comparing Turkish and Kyrgyz languages patterns are identified. Teachers and other specialists can use this research work as a useful guide during interactive learning process.We have taken into consideration the following important issues:1.We have found it necessary to carry out more detailed work on basic and general aspects of linguistics, as well as contrastive aspects like contrastive analysis of language.2.It is necessary to develop thoroughly the issues on comparison of philology and Turkic languages study.3.The main resource of our research work is ?Dilbilgisi Desteğı?, a chapter from Yeni Hitit Yabancılar İçin Türkçe Ders Kitabı, which is a publication of the Center on Turkish and Foreign Languages Research and Their Implementation. The subjects of languages syllabi, ordering of grammar aspects and also linguistics goals of materials relevant to them should be in the proper direction and level.4.We have found it necessary to make learning process much more productive and easier useful by making comparative analysis of languages related to the same group.5.We have found it necessary to reveal methods, approach and technics used in learning process by proper classification of similarities and differences of modern Turkic written languages like Turkish and Kyrgyz. It could considerably help trainers and learners at the same time.6.There are a lot of general similarities in the patterns of sounds, forms, sentences, spelling and punctuation in Kyrgyz and Turkish languages. However, it is necessary to provide a proper use of such similarities in the learning process.7.Learning process with its different pacularities nowadays is considered to be used in foreign languages learning process with the linguistics patterns of the period of Old Turkish when there were same sounds and forms in two languages.8.In this research work, we have come to a conclusion that should pay much attentıon to the materials that should be used in learning process than to language and dialect discussions.Item Türkçe- Kürtçe dil etkileşimi : İki dilli konuşuculara ait verilerdeki dilbilimsel görünümler(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014) Varol, Orhan; Uzun, Nadir EnginBu çalışma, Van‟da yaşayan 25 farklı Kürt kökenli ikidilli (Kürtçe-Türkçe) konuşucuya ait, doğal ortamda elde edilmiş konuşma verilerine dayanmaktadır. Çalışmada, özellikle ikidillilerin alıcı / temel kodları olan Kürtçede etkileşime bağlı olarak gerçekleşen dilbilgisel farklılaşmalar ele alınmaktadır. Genel olarak dilsel etkileşimde, etkileşimin süresi ve yoğunluğu dilbilgisel farklılıklara neden olan iki temel faktördür. Özelde ise, ikidillilik seviyelerine, eğitim durumlarına ve bulundukları sosyal çevrelere bağlı olarak 1. model kod olan Van yerli ağzı Türkçesinin ve 2. model kod olan ölçünlü Türkçenin etkileri ve sayısal oranları değişebilmektedir. Etkileşim sürecine bağlı olarak, içeriksel ve işlevsel birimlerin bütüncül aktarımları ve seçimli olarak kopyalanan birimler, örüntüler ve özellikler verilerde gözlenmektedir. Ġşlevsel birimlerin etkileşim sürecinin anlaşılmasında belirtililik paradoksunun açıklayıcı bir rolü vardır. Bunun yanında, benzer formlardaki bağımlı işlevsel biçimbirimler, sözce konumlanışları bakımından aynı olduklarında ve işlevsel olarak örtüştüklerinde, ikidilli konuşucular, bu birimler arasında alternatif ilişkiler kurabilmektedirler. Sözceler, sözce üyelerine ayrılarak bu konumlara tek başlarına yerleşen yalın veya Kürtçe birimlerle birlikte bir sözce üyesini oluşturabilen karma yapılanışlara sahiptir. Her ne kadar Kürtçe bağımlı işlevsel birimler, bir sözce üyesini oluşturmak için aktarımı yapılan Türkçe birimlerin bağlantısının kurulmasında ikidilliler tarafından sistematik olarak kullanılsa da, aktarımı yapılan birimlerin sözceler içindeki sıklıkları, Kürtçenin yapısal diziliminde farklılaşmalara neden olabilmektedir. Çünkü model koda ait anlamsal aktarımlar model koddaki yapısal ilişkileri de beraberinde getirebilmektedir.AbstractThis study is based on the spontaneous spoken data gathered from 25 Kurdish origined (Kurdish-Turkish) bilingual speakers living in Van. As it is aimed in the study, contact induced grammatical changes in bilinguals‟ native language Kurdish as basic code investigated. Generally, duration and density of contact are two main factors for grammatical changes when languages get in contact. Specifically, depending on bilingualism level, education and social environment of speakers, the effects of local Turkic dialect as model code 1. and standard Turkish as model code 2. could vary. Globally transferred lexical and functional elements and selectively copied features, elements and patterns are observed in the data. Markedness paradox has explanatory power to conceive contact processes of functional elements. Besides, functional morphemes that similarly formed and located at similar syntactic domains of both codes could be used alternatively by bilinguals since they are converged functionally. Investigated data divided into as bare and mixed units of utterances which are freely inserted or lacking to Kurdish features to build one of the part of the utterance. Although Kurdish bound morphemes are systematically used by bilinguals to link with Turkish grammatical or lexical items in mixed units, alignment of Kurdish could be changed due frequency of the transferred elements and patterns in use. Because semantic transfer from model code could bring structural relations of elements in model code as well.Item Yabancı dil öğretiminde söz edimleri(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2010) Polat, Yusuf; Uzun, Nadir Engin; DilbilimiIn the first chapter of the thesis, theoretical and applied literature review was done in pragmatics, speech acts and communicative competence. With this aim; resources in Turkish, French, English, Common European Framework and ?Niveau-Seuil?, a speech act inventory used as a basic resource book of French course book writers for second language learners, were studied and the data obtained is presented in the first and second chapters of the thesis.In the second chapter of the research; Turkish,French and English course boks were examined in the light of the 8 research questions to determine the teaching approaches in the aspects of making requests and offers, accepting and refusing offers and asking for permission. In the third chapter, 42 foreign students using Hitit 1,2 and 3 as the course book to learn Turkish and 90 Turkish students using Taxi! 1, 2, 3 and Le Nouvel Espaces 3 as the course book to learn French were given the speech completion test including 22 contexts to assess the speech act (making requests and offers, accepting and refusing offers and asking for permission) production levels. A database was conducted as a result of the speech act examples gathered. The speech act productions of the students learning Turkish as a second language were compared to the responses of both native Turkish speakers and the speakers of Frenach as a second language, and this way the success and failure of the students in using speech acts were assesed and moreover the correlation between the course books and the result obtained was tried to be determined. Under the light of these results and the examples in the literature, two distinct models named ?integrated? and ?separated? speech acts were suggested to be used in the field of teaching of Turkish as a second language. Furthermeore, a database of the speech acts to be included in the course books and a checklist to verify the stystemacity of teaching speech acts were suggested. It is thought that the studies will be useful for both the course book and research developers and the teachers of Turkish as a second language.As a result of the data obtained, it is found out that the course books used to teach the languages as second languages do not follow a systematic approach to teach speech acts. Moreover, it is ssen that the advanced learners of Turkish and French have difficulty in the production of speech acts examined in this study. The data on both aspects indicate that systematic approaches are needed to teach pragmatic components and speech acts in teaching of Turkish as a second language. It is thought that tis very study will provide necessary data to meet the aforementioned need.Item Yükseköğretime Giriş Sınavı Türkçe sorularının dilbilimsel içerik çözümlemesi(Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2012) Demirgüneş, Sercan; Uzun, Nadir Engin; DilbilimiThe aim of this study is to depict and evaluate Turkish questions of Higher Education Entry Exams within the period of 2008-2010 by means of linguistic data. In the study, Turkish questions of Higher Education Entry Exams within the period of 2008-2010 has been depicted by using a conceptual structure of which its reliability has been approved by specialists. Additionally, a comparative depiction of the conceptual structure derived from these questions and the conceptual structure of Linguistics I, Linguistics II, and Language and Expression Programs specified by The Ministry of Education. Following the Introduction part regarding with the subject, aim, inquiry questions, importance and limitations of the study, the second part deals with some required concepts about education and linguistics. Besides, in this part of the study, the interactions between sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, textlinguistics, neurolinguistics and mother tongue education have been searched.In the third part, secondary education programs and higher education entry requirements by worldwide and local applications have been discussed. In the fourth and the fifth parts, method of document survey that is one of the qualitative methods has been drawn upon. In the fourth part, lessons named Language and Expression and Linguistics have been searched, and then the conceptual structure of these lessons' programs have been examined and evaluated. In the fifth part, the Turkish questions of the higher education entry exams (2008-2010) have been searched, and then these questions? conceptual structure which its 142reliability has been approved by specialists has been examined and evaluated by the percentage of agreement.The study has been concluded with Findings, Results and Suggestions