Japonca ve Türkçe'deki eylemlerin üye yapısı,dil öğretimi amaçlı bir karşılaştırma

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


Akbay, Okan Haluk, Argument Structure of Verbs in Japanese and Turkish-AComparative Study On Language Teaching -, Ph.D Thesis, Advisor : Prof.Dr.Nadir EnginUzun, 342 p.In modern linguistics, argument structure is considered as a theory which connects thesyntactic and semantic structures of the sentence and gives various explanations to thisrelationship. In this theory, it can be said that especially three elements play an importantrole. These elements are argument structure, theta grid and case-marker.In this dissertation, basic verbs in Japanese and Turkish are compared in view of thesethree elements, and by the results of the analysis, a new Japanese teaching method hasbeen developed for Turkish learners of Japanese. The main aim of this dissertation is tomake a contribution to Japanese language teaching in Turkey and to comparativelinguistic studies between Turkish and Japanese languages.Key Words : argument structure, theta grid, case-marker



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