Kadı Siraceddin el-Ürmevi ve Metaliu'l-Envar (tahkik, çeviri, inceleme)
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In this study, is three volume, I edited and translated the booknamed Metâliu?l-Envâr of Kadı Siraceddin el Ürmevû, and I also comparedhis thoughts with Aristo, Farabû, İbn Sina and Razû?s thoughts in the thirdvolume.Ürmevû is one of the important logicians in thirteenth century. Hewere involved in the müteahhirûn logician tradition.Metâliu?l-Envâr is a summary of his another work, namedBeyânü?l-Hakk. It relies on Mulahhas of F. Razû, it also on Mebâhisü?l-Meşrikıyye. However that four works rely on Şifâ.Ürmevû divided Metâliu?l-Envâr into two sections. The first sectionis Lojic and the second section is The Real Sciences [el-`İlmü?l-Hakikû].The Real Sciences is the four divisions: Its first is el-Umûrü?l-Amme, thesecond is Accidents, the third is Substances, the fourth is Knowledge ofGod.In the section of Logic, Ürmevû has original ideas about such asiltizam, significations [delâlât] and fourth type of syllogizm.In the section of Accidents, he separated from Meşşâû thoughtabout the time.In the section of Substances, he followed F. Razû about thedefinition of the body [cism] and sensation of the soul.He critized the Meşşâizm seriously about the attributes of God inthe section of Knowledge of God.