1960 Sonrası Türkiye'de sivil itaatsizlik eylemleri ve düşünce suçuna karşı girişim hareketi
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Civil disobedience is an illegal political act built on common justice understanding expressed in a social agreement, or constitution which rejects violence and is resorted when all legal ways come to an end against serious injustice emerging in a democratic system where in some way just relations prevail. Civil disobedience differs basically from other legal protesting types with its such features as violating a legal norm, being committed against egoistic and usual violations of law with an ethic - political motivation worth considering and respecting, being open to public against criminal acts committed secretly, its openness and being not violent to public according to the situation against classical resistance right, revolution, coup d'etat, and being ready to bear the results of the act against possible insincerity claims. Civil disobedience can be regarded as a tool for citizens to interrogate themselves and self improvement of democracy, and an opportunity for thinking once again of the steps taken, nearing one step more to democracy. In a process where the system desensitises, civil disobedience should be considered as a means for curing democracy. In accordance with the ability to think which is accepted as being synonymous with the existence of human beings in Descartes* proposition as "Cogito, Ergo Sum", liberty of thought and liberty of expression are the core of the human rights and freedoms. Now that the sine qua non of a democratic system is the participation of public to administration, the public should be able to participate in administration and express thoughts freely to influence the administration. Within this context, every act preventing the expression of thoughts freely functions as a tool for preventing the democratic system from developing and taking roots. Actions which dominated Turkey's agenda for a long time and was talked a lot, and for which many people participated are those actions named as "Action Movement Against Intellectual Crime". While initiating such actions the target was set as cleaning out the laws from articles which prohibit, restrict and suppress "thought and expression". Taking the saying of Voltaire, one of the leaders of the French Revolution, as" I do not agree with any of your words but I defend your right to express forever" as a point of departure. Action Movement Against Intellectual Crime gathered the people having different identities under the same purpose and action framework. Civil disobedience is a call to the majority, a message sent. This call targets the existence of a common understanding of justice in a society. The actors of the Action Movement Against Intellectual Crime made a call to the public and political decision - taking bodies who are the value designs of the society by translating this movement into life.