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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


The Problem of Divine Eternity and Creation, PhD?s Thesis,Advisor: Prof. Recep Kılıç, V+218 pp.In the traditional theism, divine eternity has been interpreted in two ways. Accordingto the first view, God?s eternity means that He exists apart from time, or outside time; Hehas no temporal location and doesn?t experience any temporal succession. As for the rivalview, which is dominant in the contemporary Christian philosophers of religion, God is atemporal being; He has an existence which persists through an infinite time. In this thesis,I tried to analyze the coherence of the two views of divine eternity in connection with theconcept of creation.It can be said that there arises mainly three problems in the relationship betweeneternity and creation. The first one is connected with the concept of creation ex nihilo.Those who are hold divine temporality, claim that, time has no beginning or end and God isin every period of time. In this view, it is very difficult to say that God, as a temporal being,is the creator of the time. But in the view of divine timelessness, because of the fact thatGod is considered as timeless being, it seems easier to argue that time was created by God.The second problem is connected with whether creation requires God?s becoming temporal.According to some proponents of divine temporality, such as Craig, God becomes temporalin virtue of coming to possess a real, causal relation to his creation of the world; God isatemporal without creation and then becomes temporal with creation. This view bringsabout the question that how it can be explained the relation between timeless and temporalstages of God?s eternity and why God did abandon his perfect, timeless mode of being at thetime of creation. But, in the timeless view, as Helm says, there can be no temporal `andthen? for a timeless God. In this view, God timelessly creates the universe without changinghis will; the universe is really related to God but God is not really related to createduniverse. The third problem is related to divine sustaining. The advocators of divinetemporal eternity, claim that if temporal becoming is real, then, God becomes temporalbecause of his the real relation to time at every new moment. But for the eternalist there isa difference between the two standpoints. From God?s standpoint his creation is a timelesswhole however from the standpoint of creatures this is experienced as continuos creation.



