Merkepte (Equus asinus) arteria celiaca ve dallarının makroanatomik incelenmesi

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Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü


Macroanatomic Investigation of the Celiac Artery and Its Branches in Donkey (Equus asinus)In this study arteria celiaca of ten donkeys was investigated. All materials were filled with latex and dissected.It was observed that a. celiaca was originated from ventral wall of aorta abdominalis at the level of hiatus aorticus. Firstly a. hepatica leaved and after this a. gastrica sinistra leaved and runs as a. lienalis.It was determined that a. hepatica was first leaved a. celiaca alone and originated from the right root.It was detected that a. hepatica gives rr. pancreatici to pancreas, runs ventrally and at the level of vena porta gives r. hepaticus and runs as a. gastroduodenalis, finally a. gastroduodenalis separated to a. gastroepiploica dextra and a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. It was determined that rr. pancreatici took also origin from a. gastroduodenalis and a. pancreaticoduodenalis cranialis. It was observed that in one material a. gastica dextra originated from a. hepatica, in one material from a. gastroduodenalis, in three materials from the branch of r. hepaticus which courses to lobus hepatis sinister and in five materials from r. hepaticus.It was seen that a. gastrica sinistra was thinner when compared with a. hepatica and a. lienalis, and also originated from a common root with a. lienalis.It was determined that a. gastrica sinistra seperated to r. parietalis and r. visceralis at dorsal and ventral aspect of pars cardiaca of gaster. In four materials r. esophageus originated from r. parietalis, in six materials from r. visceralis.It was established that a. lienalis runs as a part of a. celiaca and when compared thicker than a. hepatica and a. gastrica sinistra. It was determined that a. lienalis originated from a common root with a. gastrica sinistra.It was observed that a. lienalis gives rr. pancreatici to pancreas and after runs to extremitas dorsalis of lien, courses to extremitas ventralis at hilus lienalis and during this course it gives aa. gastricae breves, rr. splenici, and rr. epiploici. It was determined that a. lienalis runs as a. gastroepiploica sinistra after extremitas ventralis of lien and from this vessel aa. gastricae breves and rr. epiploici originated.



Anatomi, Celiaca, Merkep
