Diyaliz kliniklerinde hemodiyaliz için kullanılan suların kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizleri ve sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi

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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü


In this research, water samples were taken from 3 points of reverse osmosis water treatment systems of 24 clinics located in 22 cities of Turkey by 3 months intervals during nearly 1 year, chemical and microbiological analysis of these water samples were made, the results were monitored and evaluated according to the related standards. The entry point of municipal water which enters the system was selected as the first point, the exit point of reverse osmosis water treatment system was selected as the second point, and the loop was selected as the third point of analysis. The water samples which were taken from these points were analysed. After the results had been evaluated, it was observed that the characteristics of raw water differ from a city to another and these differences influenced the quality of the reverse osmosis water which was taken from the reverse osmosis water treatment system. It was also observed that the seasonal effects, the geological circumstances and the raw water resources influenced the drinking water quality. Reverse osmosis water analysis were made so the entering water and the exit water were compared and also the performances of the water treatment systems were evaluated.



Renal Diyaliz, İçme Suyu
