Türkçe ve İspanyolcada fiil çatısı

dc.contributor.advisorToledo, Hale
dc.contributor.authorAydoğdu, Tahsin
dc.contributor.departmentİspanyol Dili ve Edebiyatıtr_TR
dc.description.abstractIn this work, it has been tried to compare the specific features of voice and the specific features adopted while using these voice in Turkish and Spanish granlmer. There may be a similarity between the categories of voice in Turkish and Spanish grammer in terms of identifacation; however, this similarity is not same for each sub-category. In spanish grammer, causatives and reciprocales are not accepted as a unit of voice. They are accepted to be the kinds of verbs. In spanish, as it is in Turkish, researchers don't give importance to active voice which is the basic form of the verb$ the focus on the usage of passive and reflexive voice forms comparing and contrasting them with the active voice. In this work, the reader is provided with information concerning the usage of verbs and voice, how they work and how they cannot be used together. We have found out that both the usage of voices and the formation of voices are different in both languages. In Turkish grammer, voices are composed with the suffixes which are added to the base of verb. In Spanish grammer, the passive voice is adquired by using "perifrastica" and reflexive voice is acquired with the reflexive pronouns. In Spanish gramer, "se" which is used as a signifier can also be used in a sentence which is deprived of persona. The usage of "se" also cornposes a different klnd of voice; thus, we have dealt with structures including "se" in this work.We have dealt with the features of using "se" Spanish grammer and showed how they are used in a sentence. Considering all the things we have acquired during this work, it can be said clearly that Turkish is a rather adequate language when we compare Turkish grammer with Spanish grammer in terms of the usage, function, implication and exact perception of the concept of voice.tr_TR
dc.description.ozetBu gali~mada, Turkqe ve Ispanyolca dil bilgisinde gat1 kavram~ ve gatllarln kullanlln 6zellikleri karyla~tlr~lmayqaa ll~dm~~tlr. Tiirkqede bulunan qat~k ategorileri ile ispanyolcada bulunan gat1 kategori lerin in belki isimlendirilmeleri aglslndan bir benzerlik soz konusudur. Ancak bu benzerlik her alt kategori igin geqerl i degildir. Ispanyolcada ettirgenlik ve iSte~likb ir gat1 birimi olarak degerlendirilmemekte f i i l ge~itleroi larak kabul gormektedirler. TOrkgede oldugu gibi Ispanyolcada da bir dilbilgisi kategorisi olarak yat~dan soz ederken araytirmacilar fiilin temel bigimi olan etken qat~dan fazla soz etmezler. Fiilin edilgen ve donu$u qat~ bigimlerinin etken gatidan farkli olarak hangi k~s~tlamalarla kullanilabilecegi uzerinde durmu$ard~r. Biz de gall~rnam~zdgae rek Turkgede, gerekse Ispanyolca hangi tur fiillerin hangi gatllarla rahatlikla kullan~labilecegini, hangi tur fiillerin hangi qatlarla k~s~tlainalarla kullan~labilecegi~h~ain, gi tur fiillerin hangi gatllarla kesinlikle kullanilamayacag~n~ ortaya Itoyduk. Her iki dilde de gat~larin kullanimlar~n farkltl~k oldugu gibi gat1 olu~turma biqiminin de farkl~ oldugunu ortaya koyduk. Tiirkgede morfoloj ik olarak gatilar fiilin kokune getirilen eklerle saglanlrken Ispanyolcada ise bunun morfolojik olarak edilgengatln~n perifrastica (dolaylama) yoluyla elde edildigi, donuylu qatlnln ise donuyiirn adlllarlyla saglaiidig~b elirlenmi~tir. Ispanyolcada donuyiim ad111 olarak kullanllan senin aynl zalnanda ~ahlssrz culnlelerde de kullanllmas~, bu senin bunlardan ba~ka bir de farklt bir edilgen gat1 olu~turrnasi dikkate allnarak qall~mam~zdsae li yapllara ayrlca yer verilmi~tir. Seli yap~larlnk ullanlm ozellikleri ve hangi tumcede ne amagla kullan~ld~dga ~a qlklann~~~tlr. Caltvrnam~z boyunca elde edilen bilgiler ve bulgular lylglnda Turkge ve lspanyolcay~q ati kavram~nln kullanl~~ig, lekligi, uygulanabilirligi ve anlavllabilirligi baklrnlndan k~yaslad~g~rn~Tzudrak ~enin oldukga yetkin bir dil oldugu rahatllkla soy leyebi 1 mektey iz.tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectfiil çatısıtr_TR
dc.titleTürkçe ve İspanyolcada fiil çatısıtr_TR
dc.title.alternativeThe voice verb İn Turkish and Spanishtr_TR


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