Bilişsel-davranışçı yaklaşıma ve hobi terapiye dayalı ?umut eğitimi programları?nın ilköğretim öğrencilerinin umutsuzluk düzeyine etkisi
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The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of hopetraining program on primary school children hopelesness level based onCognitive-Behavioral Approach and Hobby Therapy. The study is anexperimental study including two experiments, placebo and pre-post testand follow-up with control group. The subjects are 7th and 8th grade students of Halil Naci Mıhçıoğluprimary school in Altındağ district, Ankara. After application and assesmentprocedures to the subjects, a total of 52 students, whose hopelessnessscores were highest, were selected randomly and put into 4 groups of 13students each.The dependent variable of the study, that is hoplesness of thechildren, was measured by the Beck Hopelessness Scale. The scale isgiven to experiment, placebo and control groups as pre-test. The hopetraining program, developed by the researcher and based on Cognitive -Behavioral Appproach, was applied to the first experiment group. On theother hand, the hope training program, developed by the researcher andbased on Hobby Therapy, was applied to the second experimental group in11 sessions.6 sessions placebo practice were applied to placebo group. Noapplication was done to control groups. After finising the experimentalapplications post-tests were done. Follow-up measurements conducted35 days after all aplications were completed.The findings were examined by using varians analysis for mixeddesign. The results shows that there is a significant difference for both of thetwo experimental groups according to the hopelessness scores. In moredetail, both of the educational programs based on cognitive behavioralapproach and on hobby therapy were found to be effective on primary schoolstudents? hopelessness level and their impact was found to last till the followup measurement. However there was no difference between the effects ofboth programs. Results interpreted in terms of Cognitive-BehavioralApproach and Hobby Therapy by taking into consediration the relevantliterature.
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