Deniz mercanlarından Paramuricea clavata'nın biyoaktif etken maddelerinin izolasyonu ve tayini

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Biyoteknoloji Enstitüsü


Nature has been instrumental as a source for therapeutics. Despite the fact that we live in an oceanic planet, a number of technical factors have historically prevented the evolution of a marine-based medicine. With the implementation of scuba diving tools and the development of sophisticated instruments for the isolation and elucidation of structures of natural products from marine organisms, major advances have been made in the discovery of marine derived therapeutics. Marine is an excellent source of bioactive secondary metabolites with potential biodiversity and unique therapeutic value in the treatment of diseases (Anti-HİV, Anti-tumor…). To illustrate, Vira-A inhibit the DNA polymerase and ET-743, Aplidin and Kahalalide F, have been shown to display a positive therapeutic index and activity in resistant solid tumors that supports the ongoing clinical phase III/II trials. In the latest years, the isolated marine compounds are over 10.000. Moreover, the development of a given marine candidate implies the collaboration of an interdisciplinary team special focused on supply, biology, oceanography, formulation, pharmacogenetics and preclinical toxicology. The further work is in progress to determine its activity profile relative to marine compounds and other drugs of this class. In this work in Ankara University Biotechnology Institution, we investigated the Paramuricea clavata having high biological activity (cytotoxic to the Hep-2 and radical scavenging) belonging to Cnidariacollected from Ayvalık, Agean sea coast of Turkiye and elucidated the structures of the isolated compounds. Two compounds are isolated. First compound is β-sitosterol. Second compound is being tried for further identification. Compounds; Anethole, Aniquinazoline A,C,D, Benzodiazepine, Dioxoindole, Papyracillic acid C are detected by using HPLC.



