Pentekostalist kilise; doğuşu, inanç, ibadet ve ritüelleri

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Pentecostalism is a Protestant religious movement that arose in 20?th century in the USA. The most fundamental property of this religious movement is that it defends the Baptism of Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts can be experimented also for today. This idea was very huge critisicm by other Christian Churches in the first years of Pentecostal Movement. Hovewer, this doctrin was accepted in the course of time and caused rise of many new Christian Movement. Also these new movements are accepted as the third force of Christianity because they had a heap of big supporter in a short time.The biggest contribution that Pentecostalism made for Christianity is to introduce the Baptism of in the Holy Spirit and Spiritul Gifts, that exist in the early period of Christianity, again into the Christian life. Besides, with introducing these components by Pentecostal Mevement, a new religious trend that Holy Spirit centralist arose in Christianity after 1950?s. Also Pentecostal Movement brougt out a component that causes power loss of Christianity. This is Oneness Movement that accepts only Jesus as God. These positive and negative componenets, that were brought out by Pentecostal Movement, caused this movement to be a religious movement that must be informed about to understand these subjects



