Elektronik belge yönetimi ve arşivleme sistemlerinde kurumsallaştırma süreci: Ankara Üniversitesi örneği

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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü


Inspired from the concepts of records management, electronic records, electronic records management and archive, how should electronic archiving in electronic records management systems be might be conceived. To better understand and give an insight, it is necessary to evaluate legal rules, standards, regulations/applications related to electronic records management systems within the context of activities pertaining to "e-devlet", and to define the basic requirements of electronic records management systems. Moreover, institutionalization and the process thereof shall be evaluated in detail and the interlinkages between such and those mentioned above shall be taken into account as well. As a case study, "e-BEYAS" project, conducted by Ankara University in the field of electronic records management, and "BEYAS", which preceded it might be assessed. In this context, "e-BEYAS" application software developed as per "e-BEYAS" project and the components thereof shall be further reviewed and all activities in the process shall be analyzed. As a result, in case the proposals as to organizations and institutions that would adopt an electronic records management system and "e-BEYAS" application and conclusions of the research are elaborated this may contribute to the practice in the field.



Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi
