Cilt:28 Sayı:02 (2019)


Recent Submissions

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    Skull sexual dımorphısm appears ın toy rabbıts
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Nadal, Jesus; Other; Other
    The aim of this paper was to use geometric morphometrics to study the skull sexual dimorphism of toy rabbits, which present paedomorphic (babyness) traits comparing data with those from agriotype (ancestor), Oryctolagus cuniculus. For this purpose, we examined 43 post-weaned corpses belonging to wild rabbit (n=22, 7 ♂ and 15 ♀, 1295.6 ± 333.8 kg of body weight and 88.0 ± 1.12 cm of ear length) and toy type (n=21, 4 ♂ and 17 ♀, short and upright ears, 1031.3 ± 644.13 kg of body weight and 6.2 ± 1.08 cm of ear length). Heads were radiographed using a Potro® machine on a latero-lateral projection and 7 landmarks were located on the skull and studied by means of geometric morphometric procedures. Size and shape between genders appeared statistically different only for toys, mainly focused on splanchnocranium (face) for shape. Detected sexual dimorphism could be attributed to selection arising from differential mating success, or sexual selection, due to human management. Moreover, the inconsistency with Rensch’s hypothesis – which establishes that males in larger species will tend to be larger relative to females than in smaller species- allows us to suggest that Rensch’s hypothesis is not necessarily followed in artificial selection experiencing miniaturization in body shape. It must be outlined the opportunities to tackle paedomorphic questions via geometric morphometrics methods in toy rabbits.
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    Investıgatıon of the antımıcrobıal actıvıty of vitis vinifera l. Boğazkere
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Çeter, Talip; Other; Other
    In this study, extracts from Boğazkere cultivar of Vitis vinifera L. at 10 µL, 50 µL and 100 µL concentrations were tested against 18 different bacterial and fungi strains using disc diffusion (DD) method along with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal/fungisidal concentration (MBC/MFC) tests to reveal possible antimicrobial properties. Then, the obtained results were compared with 18 known antibiotics. The results revealed that 7.33-19.66 mm inhibition zones were obtained for 15-different microorganisms at 100 µL concentrations while those obtained 7.33-12.33 mm inhibition zones for 12 microorganims at 50 µL volume, where no inhibition zone was observed at 10 µL volume addition. The extracts of Boğazkere for the tested concentrations showed no antimicrobial capability against Salmonella kentucky, Enterococcus durans, Salmonella typhimurium and Candida ablicans. MIC tests showed that the extract at 0.039-20 mg/100 mL concentration range was bacteriostatic for the entire tested microorganism. Bactericidal effects of the extract were obtained for Listeria innocua at 10 mg /100 mL while that was 20 mg /100 mL for Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecium and Staphylococcus aureus. The findings show that Boğazkere grape species has antibiotic character, what makes them possible preservatives for food products.
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    Role of sodıum nıtroprussıde on mıtıgatıon of salt stress ın sweet corn
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Manshoori, Fateme; Other; Other
    To evaluate the effect of foliar application of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on physiological characteristics of sweet corn under salt stress a factorial experiment in completely randomized design with three replications was conducted in the research greenhouse of Islamic Azad University of Sabzevar. Factors were application time of SNP at the concentrations of 200 ppm (vegetative, reproductive and vegetative + reproductive) and salinity (0,1.5, 3 and 4.5 dS m-1). The results showed that increasing salinity levels from 0 to 4.5 dSm-1 decreased the height by 31.81%, plant dry weight by 34.34%,the number of ear by 46.34%, chlorophyll a content by 30.54%, chlorophyll b content by 55.81%, carotenoid content by 37.40%, total chlorophyll content and the amount of potassium by 54.86% and increased the amount of sodium by 63.86%. Application of sodium nitroprusside twice in vegetative and reproductive stage resulted in maximum height, plant dry weight,chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and foliar application had higher levels of carotenoids. Overall the results indicated that sweet corn is sensitive to salinity and cannot tolerate salinity more than 3 dS m-1. At low salinity condition SNP foliar application at vegetative + reproductive stage and in high salinity level at the vegetative stage can reduce the effects of salinity.
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    Redıscovery of bunıum mıcrocarpum subsp. Longıradıatum (apıaceae) endemıc to Cudi Mountaın/Şırnak (Turkey)
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Fırat, Mehmet; Other; Other
    Bunium microcarpum (Boiss.) Freyn & Bornm subsp. longiradiatum Hedge & Lamond is point endemic to Cudi mountain/Şırnak (Turkey). First collected in 1966 from one locality by Davis from Cudi mountain (Silopi), but not collected until 2019. Recently it was recollected for the second time from its type locality. In addition to the re-expanded description, mature fruit sizes are given for the first time, photos habit, habitat and distribution map of this subspecies has been given.
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    Putrescıne as a protectıve molecule on dna damage and dna methylatıon changes ın wheat under drought
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Agar, Güleray; Other; Other
    The world suffers with the agricultural drought stress which leading to decreasing crop production, and also adversely affecting cereals on morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. However, exogenous treatment of some osmotically active materials like putrescine has been regarded as a good preventive against these harmful effects of drought. But there is a lack of information on putrescine has any effects on DNA damage and DNA methylation in crops. The current study was goal to determine DNA damage levels and DNA methylation changes in Triticum aestivum cv. Karasu 90 subjected to different concentrations of drought (-2, -4, -6 bar PEG) and whether putrescine (0.01, 0.1, 1 mM) has any ameliorative effect on these changes is determined with RAPDs and CRED-RAs tecniques. In addition, total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant status (TAS) values were investigated based on drought and putrescine treatments. The findings showed that drought stress caused DNA damage and DNA methylation changes. However, these effects decreased after putrescine treatments. Putrescine has been shown to decrease oxidative damage caused by drought via increasing antioxidant status in drought stress. According to results, it was concluded that putrescine could be preferred for its force to protect wheat DNA from the damaging effects of drought and the demethylation positively contributed to drought stress tolerance.
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    Investıgatıon of myxomycetes (myxomycota) ın Kırıkhan (Hatay provınce)
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Baba, Hayri; Other; Other
    The present study was conducted with the samples collected in 10 different stations in Kırıkhan district and vicinity in 2012-2014. The samples were collected from tree barks, leaves, wood and other decayed plant material. The collected materials were used in Moist Chamber Culture to develop myxomycetes sporophores. Furthermore, myxomycetes were collected from their natural environment. In the field and laboratory studies, 45 taxa in 10 families and 22 genera were identified
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    Synthesıs of open-chaın sugar derıvatıves as antıcancer and antımıcrobıal agents
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Yazgan, İdris; Other; Other
    In the present study, three sugar residues including mannose, galactose and lactose were modified with organic substituents via reductive amination reaction in order to get strong anticancer carbohydrate derivatives for A549 cell line and antibacterial agents targeting E.coli and S.epidermidis. The findings showed that carbohydrate residue along with substituted group play the major role for the observed activity of the carbohydrate ligands.
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    The first record of crepıdotus crocophyllus from Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Akata, Ilgaz; Biyoloji; Fen Fakültesi
    In the current study, Crepidotus crocophyllus (Berk.) Sacc. is reported for the first time for Turkish mycobiota. Short description of the new record together with its drawings related to macro and micromorphologies were given and discussed briefly.
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    Bıologıcal actıvıtıes of adıantum capıllus-venerıs collected from duhok provınce (Iraq)
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2019) Mohammed, Falah Saleh; Other; Other
    This study determined the DPPH free-radical scavenging activity, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS) and oxidative stress index (OSI), DNA-protective activity, antiproliferative activity, antimicrobial activity and phenolic contents of methanol (MeOH) and dichloromethane (DCM) extracts of A. capillus-veneris leaves collected from the province of Duhok (Iraq). As a result of the studies, it was determined that the MeOH extract of A. calocephalum had a 49.74% free-radical scavenging activity at 2 mg/mL concentration. It was found that the extracts were effective against the test microorganisms at a concentration level of 200-400 µg/mL. TAS, TOS and OSI values were 3.086±0.066, 21.532±0.525 and 0.698±0.002, respectively. The DNA-protective activity of the extracts was found to be weak compared to the positive control. It was found that, depending on the increase in concentration, the extracts showed antiproliferative activity on A549 cells. Furthermore, the HPLC analyses found Catechin, Cinnamic acid, Chlorogenic acid, Caffeic acid, p-Coumaric acid, Rosmarinic acid and 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid with various ppm values. Consequently, it was determined that A. capillus-veneris could be a potential natural source pharmacologically.