Cilt:26 Sayı:03 (2020)


Recent Submissions

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    Genetic Variability of Indels in the Prolactin and Dopamine Receptor D2 Genes and Their Association with the Yield of Allanto-Amniotic Fluid in Russian White Laying Hens
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) ROMANOV, Michael; DEMENTIEVA, Natalia V.; FEDOROVA, Elena S.; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Currently, there is virtually no information on genetic factors affecting the yield of allanto-amniotic fluid, which is the raw material for the production of human and animal vaccines. Association studies including this trait are beneficial for increasing productivity of a biotechnological line of chickens used for the production of ‘Clean Eggs’. We examined here a population of the Russian White breed for the effects of indels in the prolactin (PRL) and dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) genes on the yield of extraembryonic fluid (YEF) and embryo weight at 12.5 days of development. A 24-bp insertion in the 5' flanking region of the PRL gene significantly (P<0.01) increases YEF in the embryos. The heterozygous embryos contained the highest YEF (9.6 mL) than that of the homozygous insertion (9.4 mL) and deletion embryos (8.4 mL). We also found a significant association (P<0.001) between the PRL genotypes and egg weight (EW). The results of the present study suggest a significant association between the PRL gene variation and quantitative traits in the Russian White chickens, contributing to a long-term programme on the effective use of the genetic potential of Russian gene pool breeds and populations of chickens.
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    Effects of Race, Gender, Body Condition Score and Pregnancy on Serum Apelin Levels in Ewe
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Bayraktar, Bülent; Tekce, Emre; Aksakal, Vehice; Takma, Çiğdem; Bayraktar, Fatma Gülten; Şengül, Bülent; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Apelin is an important adipokine hormone that is released from adipose tissue, which is considered as the energy store of the body, which plays a role in many physiological processes in the body, as well as cardiovascular, immune functions and energy, nutrients and fluid metabolism. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect of lactation, pregnancy and gender on apelin hormone levels in blood serums belonging to different races of ewe. In the present study, the hormone levels of the pregnant, non-pregnant ewe and rams of the Akkaraman Kangal and Morkaraman races were thin, with different body condition scores (<2, 3 to 3.5 and ≥4). Apelin hormone level was determined by ELISA technique in blood serum samples of ewe's Jugular vein. It was determined that there was a difference in body scores between races and the interaction between race and body score was important (P<0.05). Apelin level in ewe in lactation and pregnant ewe did not change according to body condition scores (P>0.05). In terms of apelin, gender and body condition score, race and gender, and body condition score interactions were found to be significant.
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    Identification of SSR Markers for Differentiating Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties Marketed in Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Beser, Necmi; Mutafcılar, Zeynep Çisem; Ziraat Fakültesi
    This study was carried out to identify SSR markers for the differentiation and identification of rice cultivars marketed in Turkey between 2016 and 2017. In this study 60 registered or production permitted, some local and foreign rice varieties were used as a material. DNA was isolated from single polished rice kernels for PCR amplification and rice cultivars were genotyped by 50 SSR markers. We found that 45 out of 50 SSR markers produced reproducible and polymorphic alleles. Thirty-six rice varieties had variety specific alleles among 60 rice varieties analysed in the study. This variety specific alleles belong to only one variety and they can be used to identify rice variety among 60 rice varieties studied. Osmancık-97, Cammeo, Ronaldo and Baldo are the most import 4 varieties in Turkish rice production and milled rice market. In this study, it was found that RM152, RM144, RM259 and RM118 SSR markers can be used to differentiate and identify these most important four varieties with different combinations. Collectively, this study provided some variety specific SSR markers that can be used to differentiate and identify rice varieties sold in Turkey.
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    Development and Analysis of a Belt Picking System for Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Harvesting
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Uğurluay, Selçuk; Çardak, Gizem; Ziraat Fakültesi
    In this study, a picker system with a belt-pulley mechanism, which can be used in sesame harvesting only to aim grabbing the plant stems, was designed and manufactured. In addition, the optimum working criteria were determined in laboratory conditions. To this aim, catching efficiency of the picker was evaluated statistically depending on different pulley diameters (155, 185 and 210 mm), belt speeds (0.55, 0.66 and 0.77 m s-1) and belt gaps (0 and 5 mm). The catching efficiency increased as the pulley diameter, the belt speed and the belt gap increased. The picking system was found to be successful on catching the plant stems. Furthermore, the coefficient of friction between the plant body and the catching belt was determined according to the stem moisture content. As the stem moisture content decreased, a slight decrease was observed in the coefficient of friction between the belt material and the stem.
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    Non-destructive Estimation of Chlorophyll a Content in Red Delicious Apple Cultivar Based on Spectral and Color Data
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) ABBASPOUR-GİLANDEH, Yousef; SABZİ, Sajad; AZADSHAHRAKİ, Farzad; KARİMZADEH, Rouhollah; ILBEYGİ, Elham; IGNACİO ARRİBAS, Juan; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Non-destructive estimation of the chemical properties of fruit is an important goal of researchers in the food industry, since online operations, such as fruit packaging based on the amount of different chemical properties and determining different stages of handling, are done based on these estimations. In this study, chlorophyll a content in Red Delicious apple cultivar is predicted as a chemical property that is altered by apple ripening stage, using non-destructive spectral and color methods combined. Two artificial intelligence methods based on hybrid Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network - Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ANN-ABC) and Partial least squares regression (PLSR) were used in order to obtain a non-destructive estimation of chlorophyll a content. In application of the PLSR method, various pre-processing algorithms were used. In order to statistically properly validate the hybrid ANN-ABC predictive method, 20 runs were performed. Results showed that the best regression coefficient of the PLSR method in predicting chlorophyll a content using spectral data alone was 0.918. At the same time, the average determination coefficient over 20 repetitions in hybrid ANN-ABC in the estimation of chlorophyll a content, using spectral data and color features were higher than 0.92±0.040 and 0.89±0.045, respectively, which to our knowledge is a remarkable non-intrusive estimation result.
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    Appraisal of Linear Type Traits in Simmental Cows Reared on High Altitude of Eastern Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Yanar, Mete; Güler, Olcay; Dilber, Abdülkadir; aydın, Recep; Koçyiğit, Rıdvan; Ziraat Fakültesi
    The study was carried out to investigate the magnitude of non-genetic factors influencing linear type traits and to estimate phenotypic correlations among these traits in Simmental cows. The 16 linear type traits were recorded for 148 Simmental cows reared in a private farm in Eastern Turkey. A statistical model used in this research included fixed effects of stage of lactation, parity, season at time of classification and classifier. The age at time of classification was included to the statistical model as co-variable. Parity, stage of lactation, season at time of classification and classifier effect was significant (P<0.01-0.05) for chest width, angularity, teat placement side view, body depth. Parity, stage of lactation, season at time of classification effect was significant (P<0.01-0.05) for rear leg rear view, rump width, suspensory ligament and udder depth. Linear and quadratic effects of age at time of classification were also significant (P<0.01-0.05) for rump width, rump angle, teat placement rear view, foot angle, suspensory ligament and udder depth. Phenotypic correlations among linear type traits were in low to medium range.
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    Dry Period in Cattle: I. Influence on Milk Yield and Reproductive Performance
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Kıyıcı, Jale Metin; Köknur, Özlem; Kaliber, Mahmut; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Purpose of this study was to investigate the relations of dry period lengths (DPL) with subsequent lactation (305-d) milk yield (MY) and reproductive performance of Holstein cattle. Data were obtained from 800 Holstein cows raised in a private dairy operation and which were in different parity (2nd, 3rd and ≥4th). DPL was classified in 5 categories as; ≤40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70 and ≥71 days. The differences in lactation milk yields of experimental DPL groups were not significant. The highest MY (7808.6±135.1 Lt) was obtained from ≥71 days DPL group and the lowest MY (7529.4±159.8 Lt) was obtained from ≤40 days DPL group. DPL had significant effect on the number of inseminations resulted in pregnancy (P<0.01). The greatest pregnancy ratio (53.0%) in the first insemination was obtained from ≤40 days DPL group and the lowest pregnancy ratio (30.8%) was obtained from 61-70 days dry period group. There was a positive correlation (0.056) between DPL and 305-d MY and a highly significant positive correlation (0.141) between DPL and the number of insemination resulted in pregnancy. Present findings revealed that longer DPL might have positive effects on lactation MY, but shorter DPL practices might have better outcomes for pregnancy ratios of the first insemination for this farm.
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    Antibacterial Activity of Different Kefir Types Against Various Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Akköprü, Ahmet; Taşkın, Bilgin; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Kefir is a probiotic, dairy product produced by the fermentative activity of a diverse range of lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and yeast. In this study, we revealed the antimicrobial spectra of five types of kefir supernatants (EG, AN, KF, KY and SD) from different regions of Turkey fermented for 24 and 48 h against seven plant pathogenic bacteria and one bacterial biocontrol agent in vitro and in vivo for the first time. In vitro, antibacterial activity was investigated by the disk diffusion agar method. Their antibacterial potencies varied according to the type of kefir and the fermentation time. Also, we showed that the antimicrobial activity of kefir could be attributable to antimicrobial substances in supernatants rather than the low pH. In vivo, studies using the most potent kefir type on cucumber and common bean with their pathogenic bacteria in the climate chamber showed no remarkable decrease in diseases but revealed an increase in some plant growth parameters. The application resulted in an increase of 22% in shoot fresh weight, 20% in shoot dry weight, 79% in root fresh weight and 113% in root dry weight in common bean, on the other hand, 25% in shoot fresh weight, 34% in root fresh weight and 30% in shoot dry weight in cucumber.
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    Effects of Marigold (Tagetes erecta) and Synthetic Carotenoid on Growth Performance and Skin Coloration of Blue Streak Hap (Labidochromis caeruleus) and Pindani (Pseudotropheus socolofi) Fry (Cichlidae)
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Cavdar, Nuran; Aktaş, Mevlüt; Genc, Ercümet; Ziraat Fakültesi
    This study was designed to determine the ideal dosages of marigold (Tagetes erecta) and synthetic carotenoid in blue streak hap (Labidochromis caeruleus) and pindani (Pseudotropheus socolofi) fry (Cichlidae), and to compare effects on the growth and skin coloration. In the first experiment, the blue streak hap and pindani fry fed with different levels of water-soluble marigold flower meal (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12%) were tested for 30 days to find the optimum skin coloration and growth parameters. Then, in the experiment, the most effective doses of water-soluble marigold flower meal (2, 4, 8%) which obtained from the first experiment were compared with the different synthetic carotenoid dosages (50, 100 and 150 mg kg-1) for 30 days. At the end of the first experiment, weight gain and the skin coloration degrees for both fish species were increased significantly by supplementation of 4% water-soluble marigold flower meal supplemented diet (P<0.05). In the second experiment, 50 and 100 mg kg-1 of synthetic carotenoid and 4% water-soluble marigold flower meal supplementation showed better performances concerning growth and skin coloration (P<0.05). This study showed that the 4% water-soluble marigold flower meal could be used as an alternative and useful pigmentation source for blue streak hap and pindani.
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    Evaluation of Integrated Control Methods of Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) In Transplanted Onion
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) RAFIEE SARBIJAN NASAB, Faramarz; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most important vegetable crops in the world. Weeds are the most global problem in onion production. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) is one of the most damaging weeds, which propagates rapidly through extensive underground system and tubers. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of solarization duration and tuber weight on characters of C. rotundus and assessed different treatments on the weed control and onion yield. For this purpose, two separate experiments were conducted in South of Kerman Agricultural Research and Education Center, Jiroft, Iran. The solarization experiment conducted to investigate the effects of solarization duration [0 (control), 5, 10, 15, and 20 days] and tuber weight (small, medium and large) on tuber viability and the number of produced tubers of C. rotundus. The weed management experiment conducted as a randomized complete block design with eight weed management methods with three replications. The results of the solarization experiment showed that in all solarization duration tuber viability eliminated except for control. The maximum percentage of tuber viability found in the interaction of non-solarization with large and medium tuber weights. Also, the results of the weed management experiment revealed that after hand plucking treatment, deep disking twice with 20 days interval followed by application of Glyphosate twice after each disk treatment (T8) was the best weed management method. The highest onion yield was obtained in hand plucking and T8 treatments by 96.53 and 70.67 ton ha-1, respectively.
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    Investigations on the Use of Kairomone and Pheromone Attractants for Control of Thrips Species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by Mass-trapping in Nectarine Orchards
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Hazir, Adalet; Ölçülü, Murat; Öztürk, Naim; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Thrips species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) cause superficial, brown colored scars and discoloration called silvering on the surface of nectarine fruit which reduce market quality. In cases of high thrips populations, cracking and splitting of the fruit in accompany to superficial damage causes the fruit to be discarded. The study which was based on non-chemical control of thrips species was conducted in a commercial nectarine orchard in Tarsus county of Mersin province in 2013 and 2014. In the study, pest management effect of mass trapping by yellow colored sticky traps baited with semiochemical-kairomone and pheromone-were detected. Each semiochemical was tested in a particular plot. One baited trap per tree was hung at both kairomone and pheromone plots and one bait-free trap per tree at the control plot. The traps were all hung at the pink bud period and were recovered after harvest. The amount of thrips adult and larvae in the flower buds were checked 4-7 day intervals and the traps were checked weekly to count the individuals caught on traps. The results showed that the lowest number of thrips was detected in nectarine flowers in the kairomone plot and kairomone-baited traps captured the highest number of thrips adults. To the contrary, flowers taken from the control plot had the highest number of thrips and control traps captured the lowest number of thrips adults. The success of mass trapping by adding semiochemicals to sticky traps was evaluated by comparing fruit damage in baited and unbaited trap plots by observing 100 fruits on each of five replicate trees for 500 fruit total at each plot before harvest. The fruit damage was 9.0% and 9.8% in the kairomone plot and was 11.2% and 18.2% in the pheromone plot while it was 23.4% and 20.0% in the control plot in years 2013 and 2014 respectively. Mass trapping by baited traps for thrips control in nectarine orchards seems to be encouraging for integrated pest management especially when considering the easily occurring pesticide resistance of thrips species.
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    The Effect of Nitrogen Deficiency on the Growth and Lipid Content of Isochrysis affinis galbana in Two Photobioreactor Systems (PBR): Tubular and Flat Panel
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Uslu, Leyla; Işık, Oya; Çimen, Burcu Ak; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Energy is becoming one of the most expensive production inputs nowadays. Energy reserves are starting to run out and their polluting nature has become undeniable. Therefore, there is an urgent necessity for renewable energies. One of these energy sources is algae, which are seen as promising for biofuel production. Algae can be cultured in non-agricultural land, high photosynthetic activity, harvested throughout the year high biomass production. High lipid from algae is possible by reducing some elements of growth conditions from the nutrient medium. In this study, Isochrysis affinis galbana species were cultured in two reactors; flat panel photobioreactors with different light paths (1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 cm) and tubular photobioreactors, with 50% nitrogen reduction and 20% inoculation densities. Biomass, lipid and protein ratios were determined. The highest lipid content of 33.13% was obtained from I. aff. galbana with 12.11% protein in flat panel photobioreactors with 50% nitrogen reduction and 10 cm light path, and a 0.991 g L-1 biomass rate was obtained. The highest optical density was found in the 10 cm light path flat panel photobioreactor with a 50% nitrogen reduction.
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    2D analytical model for evaluation of the forces in the three point hitch mechanism
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) CEROVİĆ, Vera; MİLKOVİĆ, Dragan; ALEKSANDAR, Grbović; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Large investments, research efforts and time have been allocated till nowadays for innovation of agricultural tractors and machinery, with the primary aim to increase their productivity, reliability, durability, as well as the environmentally friendly, safe and easy usage. Following this general trend, present work is focused on theoretical analysis of the forces acting on the links of the three-point hitch mechanism. The simulation algorithm and computer code have been developed for calculation of draft forces by two methods (following ASAE D497.4 standard and Goryachkin approach), depending on the three point linkage geometry and mouldboard technical characteristics, and calculation of forces acting on lower and upper links of three-point hitch mechanism. Calculated forces values, based on ASAE draft, exposes smaller differences compared to experimental values, while for the Goryachkin method improvement is possible by entering experimental values for soil resistance coefficient k and coefficient of dynamic resistance ε, as we did in this study performing measurements on the aggregate comprehending tractor IMT 539 (IMT Belgrade, Serbia) and two furrow moldboard plough PTO 2.25 (OLT, Osijek, Croatia).
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    A New Pest Species Delia platura Meigen, (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) on Garlic (Allium sativum L., Alliaceae) Area in Kastamonu Province of Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Erdoğan, Perihan; Ziraat Fakültesi
    Garlic (Allium sativum L., Alliaceae) is consumed at all stages from fresh to dry in Turkey. Major harmful factors, pests for example, bring about a significant loss in garlic production. Studies carried out in Kastamonu garlic areas to determine the harmful pests revealed that the important harmful pest was Delia platura Meigen, (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) in the garlic fields. Population dynamics of D. platura was studied using yellow sticky traps in autumn and spring seasons of planting garlic fields. Plants were checked with trap controls and searched for D. platura on garlic plants. Plants tested were recorded as infested and non-infested. The testing of traps finished in two weeks after the harvest. As a result, D. platura, the first emergence of the adult, was detected on March 21, 2017 in autumn planting and in spring planting. In the autumn planting, the highest number of adults caught in traps was on April 2015 with 4 adult/trap/week. In spring planting, the first adult in the trap was 1 adult/trap/week on 14 March, 2015. The study conducted in 2017, the first time of adult determination on trap was on March 18, 2017 in autumn planting. In spring planting, the first adult emerged on March 18, 2017.
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    A Multivariate Analiysis in Relation to Edaphical and Environmental Factors of Rangelands Vegetation of Mugla Province
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2020-09-04) Öten, Mehmet; Erdurmuş, Cengiz; Kiremitçi, Semiha; Ziraat Fakültesi
    This study was carried out in order to compare in 20 different rangeland sample areas that determined in order to environmental variables, vegetation and soil properties by multivariate ordination analysis in Mugla province. Cluster analysis was made to determine the similarity and species compositions of sample areas, and as a result of this analysis, three different groups have occurred. Additionally, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was made after the indicator species analysis. The interaction between environmental and soil-borne factors as altitude, distance to village, soil depth, pH in saturated soil with water, lime and surface stoniness were found to be significant and this significance was expressed by graphs. Moreover, it was indicated that relationship with species in the vegetation of the variables that were determined as significant by tables and figures. The relationship with the species in the vegetation of the variables that were determined as significant was also indicated. The result of the study showed that environmental variables as soil depth, soil pH saturated with water, stony surface, altitude and distance to villages had a significant effect on the species diversity and distribution in the samples areas.