Cilt:49 Sayı:01 (2022) Özel Sayı


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    Investigation of Frequency of Heterotopic Teeth: A Cone Beam CT Study
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Yüce, Fatma; Tassoker , Melek
    Aim: Teeth that occur in distant places from the alveolar arch (maxillary sinus, orbit, infratemporal fossa, condylar region, etc.) because of various local or systemic factors are named heterotopic teeth. The heterotopic tooth is a rare phenomenon. Although the etiology is still unknown, it is known that it may be seen due to pathologies caused by cystic lesions, cleft lip-palate, trauma history, and infectious conditions. They are usually asymptomatic, so they are detected by chance in routine clinical and radiological examinations. This study aims to determine the frequency of heterotopic permanent teeth and their anatomical localization with the help of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: This study was retrospectively performed with CBCT slices. CBCT sections of 2590 individuals (1432 females, 1158 males) between the ages of 10-89 (mean: 44 ± 17 years) were evaluated in the study. Heterotopic teeth were investigated using coronal, axial, sagittal CBCT sections in regions distant from the maxillary-mandibular arch. SPSS V.21 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used for data analysis. Results: Heterotopic teeth were found in 10 of 2590 individuals (0.4%). All of the heterotopic teeth detected are molar teeth; 4 are mandibular third molar teeth, 5 are maxillary third molar teeth and 1 is maxillary second molar tooth. The frequency of heterotopic teeth according to gender did not show a statistically significant difference (4 females, 6 males) p> 0.05. The average age of individuals with heterotopic teeth is 35.3 (17-65 years). 4 of the heterotopic impacted teeth are located in the ramus and 6 in the maxillary sinus. Conclusions: The prevalence of heterotopic teeth is very rare (0.4%). The teeth with the highest frequency of heterotopia are the third molars. Heterotopic teeth do not have an anatomical location and gender that they prefer predominantly.
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    Frequency of Pericoronal Radiolucency in Impacted Teeth: A Panoramic Radiography Study
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Ataözden, Tahir; Coşkun , Fikret Özgür; Özüdoğru , Semanur
    Aim All permanent teeth can remain impacted. Impacted teeth can remain in the jaw for years without showing any symptoms and causing a pathological event, and they can also cause neuralgiform pain, infection, teinporomandibular joint complaints, root resorption in neighboring teeth, and pathologies. Pericoronal radiolucency observed over 2.5 mm in radiographic imaging is suspicious. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency of pericoronal radiolucency in impacted teeth examined on panoramic radiographs. Methods The study was conducted by retrospectively examining panoramic radiographs of 1128 patients (633 females, 495 males) over the age of 18. Permanent impacted teeth with complete root development were included in the study, and primary teeth, mesiodens, supernumerary and supplemental impacted teeth were excluded from the study. Pericoronal radiolucency was recorded as 'present' in case of pericoronal radiolucency (>3 mm) associated with impacted permanent tooth on panoramic radiographs. SPSS v.21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) program was used to analyze the data. Results The mean age of the individuals included in the study was 31±11 years (18-85). A total of 2247 impacted teeth from 1128 individuals were evaluated. Pericoronal radiolucency was detected in 208 impacted teeth (9.3%). There was a statistically significant relationship between gender and the frequency of pericoronal radiolucency (p<0.05). The frequency of pericoronal radiolucency is lower in females and individuals over 60 years of age. Conclusion The frequency of pericoronal radiolucency associated with impacted teeth is 9.3%. This condition is more likely to be seen on radiographic examinations in males and individuals under 60 years of age. It is recommended that teeth that have erupted but are not located in the arch in clinical examination should be carefully examined radiologically in order to detect them at an early pathological stage and to make appropriate treatment.
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    Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness Levels of Healthcare Professionals and Candidates on Dentoalveolar Injuries
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Ataözden, Tahir; Coşkun , Fikret Özgür; Özüdoğru, Semanur
    Purpose: To evaluate the knowledge and awareness levels about traumatic dental injuries of various healthcare professionals and candidates who may encounter dentoalveolar injuries. Material and Methods: In this study, A total of 160 people, consisting of 3rd, 4th, 5th year students (47) studying at Faculty of Medicine, 3rd and 4th year students (91) studying at School of Nursing, and emergency physicians, emergency and traumatology nurses, and otorhinolaryngologist and specialist nurses (22) attended. Participants were asked to answer the questionnaire forms sent in digital environment. Results: 82.3% of the participants stated the percentage of teeth and jaws affected by trauma to the head and facial area as 40‐60% or more. When asked about what to do when you encounter an avulsed tooth case, 50.9% of them stated that they will refer the patient to the dentist and 48.4% should be in the first half hour, 11.3% of them reimplanting the avulsed tooth. While 23.9% of the participants preferred sterile saline solution during the transportation of the avulsed tooth, 33.3% stated that they did not have any knowledge. In addition, 29.6% stated that it was possible to replace the permanent tooth in the avulse, 73.6% stated that it is appropriate to hold the crown part and insert it, 66% stated that if the tooth is broken, it is important to find the broken piece. 87.4% of the participants stated that it is important to participate in an educational program related to dental trauma and 85.5% of them want to participate in an educational program. Conclusion: Within the limits of this study; It was concluded that training programs to improve the knowledge and awareness levels of non-dentist healthcare professionals who may encounter dentoalveolar trauma are necessary.
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    Periodontal Treatment Of Gingival Overgrowth Due To Amlodipine Use: Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Şayan, Pınar
    Aim: A common side effect of calcium channel blockers, which are frequently used in the treatment of patients with hypertension and cardiovascular problems, is that they can cause overgrowth in gingiva. Gingival overgrowths should be treated because they create inaccessible areas, making oral hygiene practices difficult due to increased plaque retention. In this case series, clinical properties of gingival overgrowths deriving from the usage of amlodipine, which is a type of calcium channel blockers and its treatment protocols are explained. Methods: Three male patients aged 15, 60 and 45 applied to our clinic with the complaints of gingival overgrowth and bleeding. In the anamnesis, it was learned that they were using antihypertensive medication containing amlodipine. In the first session, scaling and root planning applications were performed. Then, the patients who were given detailed oral hygiene instructions, consulted with the relevant physicians. It was deemed appropriate to replace the drug the patients were using with another antihypertensive drug, which is an alternative that does not lead to gingival overgrowth. After the controls performed at certain time intervals and oral hygiene evaluations, it was observed that a perfect recovery was achieved. In addition to these, gingivoplasty was performed using classic surgical method under local anesthesia on one case. Results: All three patients showed uneventful healing without any complications. During periodic controls, it was observed that patients’ complaints disappeared, the gingiva regained their natural physiological form, aesthetically pleasing results were achieved, no recurrences were observed in the 6th month and periodontal health could be maintained. Conclusion: The treatment protocol for gingival overgrowth due to drug use includes the replacement or discontinuation of the current drug with an alternative drug with the physician's consultation, after the initial periodontal treatment and oral hygiene practices, periodontal surgical procedures and regular controls in severe cases.
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    Colour Stability of Different Denture Teeth Stored in Various Beverages
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Deniz, Şule Tuğba; Özkan, Pelin
    Aim: New types of denture teeth using modified acrylic resin that incorporate cross-linking agents and composite resin containing different types of filler have become increasingly common. It has been possible to produce nano-sized filler particles with nanotechnology. However, evidence-based information regarding composition and properties is lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the colour stability of four commercially available denture tooth materials with different chemical structure when subjected to various beverages. Methods: Conventional acrylic resin, reinforced acrylic resin, microfiller composite resin, and nanofiller composite resin teeth with different brands were used, for a total of four different denture teeth groups. Denture teeth were subjected to four beverages (tea, filtered coffee, cola, and cherry juice) and distilled water as control. The test period of 24 hours appears comparable to approximately 1 month of normal beverage consumption. The test periods used in this study were arranged according to this protocol and 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months of normal beverage consumptions were simulated. From each group, 10 maxillary first molar denture teeth were immersed in each of the five solutions. The baseline, 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month values for colour change of denture teeth were measured. Results: The differences of each value were calculated by one-way ANOVA statistically. For colour changes (ΔE) there was no significant difference among the specimens immersed in distilled water (Tukey HSD test, p>0.01). The highest colour changes were recorded for the specimens of Integral and Major immersed in cola, whereas for the specimens of Veracia and Orthosit immersed in tea (Tukey HSD test, p<0.01). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, daily intake of common beverages may lead to colour changes of denture teeth. Microfiller composite resin denture tooth material is recommended due to its improved physical properties.
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    Impact of Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment of Generalized Chronic Periodontitis on Quality of Life
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Behravan, Hassan; Önder , Canan; Kurgan , Sivge; Altıngöz , Sema Merve; Gurgan , Cem; Günhan , Meral
    Aim: In recent years, after treatments variety of measurement scales are used to record the extent and impact of the treatment on quality of patient’s life. Among these scales, Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-49) and a shorter version of that OHIP-14 are the most comprehensive, accessible and common ones. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on quality of generalized chronic periodontitis patients’ life by using the Turkish version of the OHIP-14 scale (OHIP-14-TR). Method: 58 patients (37 men and 21 women) diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis and requiring non-surgical periodontal therapy were recruited in this study. All patients were asked to fill in a form containing demographic, socio-economic information, reason of dental visit and oral hygiene habits. Clinical periodontal parameters (Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), and bleeding on probing (BOP)) were recorded at baseline, and one month after treatment. Non-surgical periodontal treatment containing scaling and root planning was performed during one week in two seperate sessions. OHIP-14-TR questionnaires have been filled out before and after treatment. Results: There were significant decreases in all periodontal parameters and OHIP-14-TR one month after non-surgical periodontal treatment (p<0.001). There were significant positive correlations with OHIP-14-TR, PI and GI (respectively; p=0.024. p=0.026). On the contrary there were no correlations between OHIP-14-TR, and BOP, PPD, and CAL (p>0.05). Significant positive correlation was found between physical pain, and BOP and PPD. After periodontal treatment, BOP, PPD, and physical pain decreased. Conclusion: According the results of this study, it was revealed that non-surgical periodontal treatment was effective in improving the quality of life of patients.
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    Evaluation Of Oral Health Literacy Of Pregnant Women
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Yeter, Gönül; Şengül , Fatih
    Aim Oral health literacy is the capacity of individuals to receive and understand the health information and services necessary to make appropriate oral health decisions. Low oral health literacy is associated with insufficient oral health knowledge and behaviors. The aim of our study was to assess the level of oral health literacy of pregnant women and their ability to recognize words on the REALD-30 scale, as well as their knowledge of the meaning of words. Methods 300 pregnant women between the ages of 18-45 who were admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology outpatient clinic of Ataturk University Faculty of Medicine participated in our study. The TREALD-30 scale, consisting of 30 words, determines the ability to read dental words. Participants received 1 point for each correctly read word in TREALD 30. A total of 0-30 points were scored. In addition, the word scores that participants knew the meaning of were evaluated under the heading TREALD-30-M. Analysis of the collected data was carried out in SPSS v26 program. Results The average age of the participants was 31.2 years and the average educational status was 13 years. It was found that 31% of participants had their first pregnancy. 66.7% of respondents were housewives and 9.7% were health workers. The number of words that can only be read was determined as 29, the number of those that can be read by knowing their meaning was 17, and the number of those that cannot be read was determined as 3 words. As the level of education increased, oral health literacy increased (p<0.001). Health workers showed higher TREALD-30 and TREALD-30-M scores compared to housewives (p<0.001). Conclusion In order to increase the level of oral health literacy of expectant mothers, health improvement programs are required.
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    Effects of Different Beverages on Color Stability of Bulk-Fill Restorative Materials
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Özyurt, Esra; Kurt , Ayşegül
    Purpose: The aim of the study is to evaluate the color stability of a conventional composite resin and bulk-fill composite resins. Material Methods: A total of 120 samples of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared from three bulk-fill (Beautifil Bulk-Fill, Filtek One Bulk-Fill, Tetric N-Ceram Bulk-Fill) and one conventional composite (Z250) and light cured. Initial color measurements were made with a spectrophotometer. Samples for each composite were randomly divided into 3 groups (black, kombucha and matcha tea) (n = 10). The samples were kept in the solutions for 12 days, and the color measurement was repeated. The values of ΔL, Δa, Δb and ΔE00 were calculated. SEM images were taken from a randomly selected sample from each group. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni correction was used to evaluate the color parameters. Results: Beautifil composite showed the greatest change in all values of E00, ΔL, Δa, and Δb., Filtek One and Tetric N-Ceram had the highest ΔE00 values values after Beautifil, respectively, and there was no difference between Z250 and Tetric N-Ceram. The lowest ΔL value belonged to Z250 composite, there was no difference between Tetric N-Ceram and Filtek One. Tetric N-Ceram had the highest Δa value after Beautifil and, there was no difference between the Z250 and Filtek One. Filtek One had the highest Δb value after Beautifil, there was no difference between the Tetric N-Ceram and Z250. Conclusion: Beverages can negatively affect the surface properties of bulk-fill composite resins in terms of color stability.
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    Knowledge Skills and Attitudes of Dentistry and Dental Clinic Assistant Students Related to Online Pedodontics Lecture During the Covid-19 Pandemic
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Özer , Yasemin Derya; Fidancıoğlu, Yasemin Derya; İnci , Merve Abaklı
    Background: In Turkey, with the Covid-19 pandemic, an online education system has been introduced, as is the case all over the world. Since March 2020, dentistry(D) and dental clinic assistant(DCA) students have taken pedodontics lessons online. This research; Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Dentistry and dental clinic assistant students aim to evaluate the efficiency of the education given in the online pedodontics course, the student's satisfaction, and the online course system. Methods: In the questionnaire, there are multiple-choice questions about methods of accessing the online education system and access knowledge and skills of students. In addition, various propositions about pedodontics classes were presented to students to be answered with the Likert scale consisting of 1-5, strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree, and strongly agree options. This questionnaire was conducted over the internet, with anonymity for the identity of students. IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program was used for statistical evaluations. Results: Survey participated by 88D and 59DCA students; 40.1% of students reported that they connected to lessons via their mobile phones and tablets. Statistically, a significant difference was not found between the two groups in terms of difficulty and effort levels in their connection to classes(p=0.622,p=0.348). In the contribution of pedodontics to students' knowledge levels, was found that the knowledge levels of students with easy access to the internet at the beginning and end of lessons were significantly different from those with difficult access(p=0.002). Lecturers' skill level and their competence do not differ significantly according to groups. A statement that watching webinars is more beneficial than online education has been the proposition with the lowest mean score. Conclusions: Dentistry and dental clinic assistant students faced various difficulties adapting to the online education system. This internet and technology-based system caused inequalities in education levels of students, tried to be balanced lecturers. While the pandemic process continues unpredictably, lecturers have a great responsibility to make pedodontics lesson reach their goals fairly.
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    In Vitro Comparison Of Indirect Bonding Methods Using Different Isolation And Adhesive Systems With Each Other And With The Direct Bonding Technique
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Kılıç ,Banu; Doruk, Ercan Cenk
    Aim: To compare the shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index of a new indirect bonding isolation method for different adhesive systems with the direct bonding technique. Methods: 100 premolar and 10 centrally extracted human teeth were bonded with one direct and four indirect bonding methods, and then subjected to 1000 thermal cycles between 5°C and 55°C. ARI was analyzed by the chi-square test. The Shear Bond strength was analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey multiple comparison (HSD) test. The bracket-enamel interface area of two teeth from each group was examined under SEM. Results: All groups provided clinically acceptable bond strengths. In the traditional isolation + light-cured bonding group with the highest bonding values identified, the scores for all failures were recorded as 3 and this group differs from all other groups in respect of ARI scores (p<0.05). In addition, it was identified from SEM images that there were air bubbles in the adhesive layer in the groups where chemical adhesives were used. Conclusion. When tape is used as the isolation material, the laboratory process stage is shortened and simplified. Therefore, if the custom base indirect bonding technique is to be used, this new method can be used with light-cured bonding agent for isolation.
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    Age Estimation Of Adults From Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Türk, Ezgi; Görmez , Özlem; Yıldırım, Derya
    Giriş: Yaş tahmini, tıbbi, adli ve antropolojik çalışmalarda bir bireyi tanımlamak için kullanılan en önemli prosedürlerden biridir. Bireyin tanımlanmasında dişler, vertebra, kranial yapılar, pelvis gibi anatomik yapılar kullanılır. Dişler yaş tahmin yöntemlerinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır, çünkü uzun süre değişmeden kalabilirler ve diğer vücut yapılarına göre dış faktörlerden daha az etkilenirler. Yaşla birlikte sekonder dentin oluşumuna bağlı pulpa boşluğunun daralması, yetişkinlerin diş yaşı tahmininde dikkate alınan önemli bir kriterdir. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir Türk popülasyonunda konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) görüntülerinde maksiller santral ve kanin dişin pulpa boşluğunun lineer ölçümlerini Kvaal yöntemine göre yaparak yaşı tahmin etmektir. Yöntem: Yaşları 18 ile 63 arasında değişen 74 kişinin (37 kadın, 37 erkek) KIBT görüntüleri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. KIBT psödopanoramik kesitlerinde 74 maksiller santral ve 74 maksiller kanin dişin pulpa boşluğunun lineer ölçümleri Kvaal yöntemi kullanılarak yapıldı. Yaş ile morfolojik değişkenler arasındaki ilişki Pearson korelasyon analizi ile hesaplandı. Yaş tahmininde her diş için çoklu doğrusal regresyon modelleri kuruldu. Bulgular: Morfolojik değişkenlerden yaşı tahmin etmek için geliştirilen regresyon denklemi analizi sonucunda maksiller kanin diş için standart tahmin hatası = ±10.42, maksiller kanin diş belirleme katsayısı R2= 0.158; maksiller santral diş standart tahmin hatası = ±10.65, belirleme katsayısı R2 = 0.131; her iki diş için standart tahmin hatası= ±10.18, belirleme katsayısı R2 = 0.207 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: KIBT görüntülerinde maksiller santral ve kanin dişin pulpa boşluğunun lineer ölçümleri ve oranları, bir Türk popülasyonunda Kvaal yöntemine göre yaşı tahmin etmek için yetersizdi. Gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalarda, yetişkin Türk bireylerinde yaş tahmininin doğruluğunu arttırmak için daha büyük örneklem sayısı veya pulpa alanı, pulpa hacmi gibi farklı radyografik ölçümlerin kullanılması önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yaş tahmini, konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi, adli diş hekimliği, Kvaal yöntemi, diş Introduction: Age estimation is one of the most important procedures used for identifying an individual in medical, forensic and anthropological studies. Anatomical structures such as teeth, vertebra, cranial structures, pelvis are used in the identification of the individual. Teeth have been frequently used in age estimation methods because they can remain unchanged for a long time and they are less affected by external factors than other body structures. The narrowing of the pulp cavity due to the secondary dentin formation with age is an important criterion that is taken into consideration in dental age estimation of adults. Aim: The aim of this study is to estimate age by performing linear measurements of pulp cavity of the maxillary central and canine tooth according to Kvaal’s method on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images in a sample of Turkish population. Methods: CBCT images of 74 individuals (37 females, 37 males) aged between 18 and 63 years were evaluated retrospectively. Linear measurements of pulp cavity of 74 maxillary central and 74 canine tooth were made on pseudopanoramic CBCT sections using Kvaal’s method. The relationship between age and morphological variables was calculated by the Pearson correlation analysis. Multiple linear regression models were established for each tooth to estimate the age. Results: As a result of the regression equation analysis developed to estimate age from morphological variables, the standard estimation error for maxillary canine teeth = ±10.42, maxillary canine tooth determination coefficient R2= 0.158; the standard estimation error for maxillary central teeth = ±10.65, maxillary central tooth coefficient of determination R2 = 0.131; the standard estimation error for both teeth = ±10.18, both teeth coefficient of determination R2 = 0.207. Conclusion: Linear measurements and ratios of pulp cavity of the maxillary central and canine tooth on CBCT images were insufficient to estimate the age according to Kvaal’s method in a sample of Turkish population. In future studies, it is recommended to use different radiographic measurements such as larger sample size or pulp area and pulp volume to increase the accuracy of age estimation in adult Turkish individuals.
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    Investigation of the Effect of Different Content of Mouthwashes on Rezin CAD / CAM Blocks
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Ersöz, Bilge; Aydın, Numan; Karaoğlanoğlu, Serpil
    Aim: Using of mouthwashes has become more popular recently as a result of the studies on reducing the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The aim of this study is to examine the effect of different content mouthwashes on the color changes. Methods: Two different resin-based CAD/CAM materials (Vita Enamic and Brilliant Crios) were used in the study (n=32). 64 samples were prepared by taking 2 × 7 × 12 mm sized sections from CAD/CAM blocks (n=32). After the samples were kept in artificial saliva at 37° C for 24 hours, initial color measurements were made with a spectrophotometer device (VITA Easy shade V, Germany). Then the samples were kept in 3 different mouthwashes containing Cetylpyridinium chloride (Oral-B), Povidone iodine (Batiqon) and Chlorhexidine (Kloroben) twice a day for 1 minute (n=8). Color measurement of the samples was repeated on the 7th, 14th and 30th days. Color change values (ΔE00) were evaluated by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test (p<0.05). Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the color changes of resin-based CAD/CAM blocks held in mouthwash at the end of the 7th, 14th and 30th days (p>0.05). Conclusion: At the end of the 30th day, color change was observed below the noticeable threshold value (ΔE00>0.8) in the hybrid ceramic CAD/CAM block samples (Vita Enamic) . In composite-reinforced CAD/CAM samples (Brilliant Crios), only Povidone-iodine-containing mouthwash produced color change above the noticeable threshold value (ΔE00>0.8), while Chlorhexidine and Cetylpyridinium chloride did not produce a noticeable change.
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    Micro-CT Analysis of the Root Canal Configuration of Maxillary Second Molars with Fusion
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Keskin ,Cangül; Özdemir, Özgür; Keleş, Ali
    Purpose: The present study investigated the root canal configuration of maxillary second molars with root fusion using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Materials & Methods: A total of 136 fused maxillary second molars were scanned with micro-computed tomography. Images were transferred to CTAn v.1.18.8 software (Bruker-microCT) to obtain three-dimensional models. The specimens were classified according to the fusion type. According to Vertucci, classification of the root canal configuration of fused roots was determined using CTVol v. (Bruker-microCT) and DataViewer v.1.5.6 (Bruker-microCT) softwares. The specimens that could not be represented were also specified. The frequency of canal configuration according to the fusion type was calculated. Results: For Type 1 fusion (n=40) and Type 2 fusion (n=22), the most common canal configuration for mesiobuccal (MB), distobuccal (DB) and palatal (P) canals was Type I. In type 3 fusion specimens (n = 21), DB and P canals were completely fused in 1 sample in accordance with Vertucci type IV, while in the remaining specimens, types II, I, V, VI and IV were observed in decreasing order in the MB canal. In type 4 fusion, MB and DB canals were completely fused in 4 of 21 specimens and showed Vertucci type VI, II, I and III configurations. In the remaining 17 samples, MB had Vertucci type I, II, IV, V, VI, VII configurations, while DB showed type I, V and III configurations. In 7 samples with type 5 fusion all canals displayed different configurations. In type 6 fusion, the canal configurations of 6 samples could not be classified. Type II, I, and V configurations were seen in 9 of the remaining 19 samples with a single canal. Conclusion: Vertucci type I was the dominant canal configuration in the P and DB, however, MB showed much more diverse configurations either independently or when included in fusion.
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    Potential Biomarkers For Early Detection Of Oral Cancer: Leptin And Adiponectin
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Özer, Nezaket Ezgi; Tetik, Aslı; Karaca , Betül; Veral, Ali; Güneri , Pelin
    Aim: To determine adiponectin and leptin expression levels in samples from healthy, dysplastic and cancerous oral lesions and to investigate the potential role of these biomarkers in oral cancer development. Methods: Tissue samples from the archives which were histologically diagnosed as oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) (n=24), oral dysplasia (n=12) and healthy tissue (n=16) were included. The concentration and purity of samples were determined after total RNA extraction. Thereafter, cDNA synthesis was performed. The differences between expression levels were evaluated with qPCR. Expression levels related to OSCC were performed according to normalizing gene ACTB. 2-ΔΔCT method was used for comparison of expression levels. Student t-test was used to compare the differences in gene expression levels between groups, using 2-ΔΔCT value for each gene. Results: Adiponectin and leptin expression levels were decreased by 1.09 (p = 0.49) and 10.3 (p = 0.22), respectively, in OSCC group, however differences were not statistically significant. The level of adiponectin expression decreased by 1.65 times (p = 0.62) and leptin expression increased by 3 times (p = 0.30) in the dysplasia group. When OSCC and dysplasia groups were compared, it was found that the level of adiponectin expression increased by 1.52 times (p = 0.99) and the level of leptin expression decreased by 30.94 times (p = 0.16) in the OSCC group. The samples were re-grouped as increased risk (OSCC+dysplasia) (n=36) and healthy (n=16) and a decrease by 16.5 (p= 0.3) in leptin expression and an increase by 1.14 (p= 0.6) in adiponectin expression was observed in the increased risk group compared to the healthy group. Conclusion: In tissue samples diagnosed as healthy, dysplastic and OSCC, expression levels for leptin and adiponectin have not been compared before. The results revealed a significant decrease in leptin expression and an increase in adiponectin expression in increased risk group.
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    Assessment Of Juxta-Apical Radiolucency With Cone Beam Ct
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Coşkun, Sinem
    Aim: This study aimed to investigate the association of JAR with third molar status and mandibular canal and also describe its radiologic features through cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: CBCT images of 100 individuals (153 mandibular third molars) were evaluated for the presence of JAR. Than, the CBCT images were analysed to evaluate the position of the JAR and its relationship to the impacted teeth, mandibular canal and buccal-lingual cortical plates. Descriptive statistical analyses were used. Results: JAR was identified in 70 individuals and 95 mandibular third molars (48 right side, 47 left side). 22 of the individuals with JAR were male and 48 were female. It was found that 26 (27,4%) of the 95 third molars were erupted, 10 (10,5%) were partially erupted, 59 (62,1%) were impacted. 74,7 % were on the apical third of the root and the rest was located along the mesial or distal surfaces of root. Close proximity to the buccal cortical plate was seen in 25,35 % of JAR located apically, whereas it was seen only 25% of JAR located along the root surface. Only 23.4 % were associated with the mandibular canal. Conclusion: The present study gives an insight into the relationship of JAR with mandibular canal and cortical plates using CBCT. However, future studies are warranted that use a larger sample size to validate the above findings.
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    Endocrown Restoration Of The Endodontically Treated Teeth By Using Cad/Cam: Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Kurşun, Begüm Ünlü; Akan, Ender
    Purpose: As a result of large coronal destruction in endodontically treated teeth, significant losses occur in the dentin tissue around the pulp, and the need for prosthetic treatment occurs. In this case series, endocrown applications produced in a single session with CAD/CAM system are presented as an alternative to crown restoration traditionally applied to premolar and molar teeth with excessive crown destruction. Case Series: In the first case, 38-years-old male patient number 25, 46-years-old female patient number 36 in the second case, 21-years-old female patient number 46 in the third case, 26-years-old male patient number 46 in our fourth case, and in the last case 52-years-old male patient tooth number 15 has been applied to root canal treatment. According to the clinical/radiological examinations of the patients, it was observed that there were no systemic diseases. Endocrown restoration was considered appropriate and recommended to patients with less dentin tissue. Firstly, teeth are prepared for endocrown restoration. Afterward, the impressions were digitalized by scanning the jaws with an intraoral optical scanner (Cerec Omnicam, Dentsply Sirona, USA). The restorations were designed with the help of the CEREC 4.3 software (Dentsply Sirona, USA) and the milling process was carried out with feldspathic ceramic block (Vita Mark II, Vita Zahnfabrik, Germany) in the same session by CEREC inLab MC XL (Dentsply Sirona, USA). Later, the glazing process was applied and cemented with dual polymerized resin cement (RelyX Ultimate, 3M ESPE, USA). Conclusion: Endocrown is a minimally invasive, conservative treatment approach that provides mechanical adhesion to the pulp chamber and cavity walls with adhesive resin cement and allows the preservation of the remaining tooth structure. For this reason, it is a treatment option that can be preferred instead of post-core and crown application in teeth with root canal treatment.
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    Clinical And Radiographic Evaluation Of Biomaterials Used In Different Endodontic Procedures-Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Baş, Aybike; Çelikel , Periş; Derelioğlu , Sera Şimşek
    Introduction: Endodontic treatment may be required for the permanent teeth due to different reasons in childhood. Biological materials such as MTA and Biodentine® have started to be used nowadays in different endodontic treatment. Studies have shown that these materials stimulated the formation of new vascularized tissue in the apical of mature teeth with necrotic pulp and with periapical lesions. In addition, MTA and Biodentine® are preferred in direct and indirect pulp capping due to their properties such as biocompatibility and impermeability. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the teeth clinically and radiologically after the use of Biodentine® and MTA as a barrier on the pulp capping, Cvek pulpotomy and regenerative endodontic treatment. Case Series: Case 1: A 12-year-old girl presented at our clinic with complaints of intermittent pain and cold sensitivity in her tooth #16. Direct pulp capping was performed with MTA. Case 2: An 7-year-old boy with a trauma associated complicated crown fracture in his tooth #11 was admitted to our clinic. Cvek pulpotomy was performed with Biodentine®. Case 3: An 8-year-old girl with trauma associated crown fracture in her tooth #11 was admitted to our clinic. Regenerative endodontic treatment was applied with Biodentine®. Case 4: Indirect pulp capping was performed with MTA to a 7-year-old boy admitted to our clinic with the complaint of cold sensitivity in his tooth # 46. Conclusion: Today, the success rate is high in vital pulp treatments with newly developed materials such as MTA and Biodentine®. In addition, root development continues after regenerative endodontic treatments with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) or Biodentine® in non-vital and open-apex teeth.
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    Clinic and Radiographic Evaluation of Cemento-osseous Dysplasia: Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Bağcı, Nuray; Üçok, Özlem; Peker , İlkay
    Aim: Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is usually asymptomatic and slowly progressive benign fibro-osseous lesion characterized by the replacement of normal bone with fibrous tissue. The aim of this presentation is to evaluate the clinical and radiographical findings of six COD cases that were detected incidentally during radiographic examination. Case Report: Six female patients who four (%66) of them with different dental complaints and two (%33) of them for routine control examination of the previously diagnosed COD with a mean age of 38 applied to our clinic. It was learned that the patients did not have any systemic disorders in their medical anamnesis. There is not any finding on extraoral examination. In intraoral examination, teeth associated with COD lesions were vital as a result of the electric pulp test, and there is no other finding related to the lesion. In the radiography examination, different sizes radiolucent, mixed, and radiopaque lesions were detected in the mandible on control panoramic radiographs. The lesions were examined in detail with cone-beam computed tomography. Local thinning and resorption were observed in the buccal and lingual cortical bone in the relevant region. Histopathological examination revealed that the lesions were definitively diagnosed as SOD in four patients. Based on clinical, radiographic, and histopathological examinations, three (%50) of the lesions were diagnosed as periapical COD and the others (%50) were diagnosed with fluoride COD. All patients were followed up periodically for six months. Conclusion: The findings of this case series showed that all lesions examined were clinically asymptomatic and mixed on radiography. Due to insufficient vascular support of the bone in the COD area, there is a risk of infection and osteomyelitis may occur. Therefore, dentists should be aware of the clinical and radiographic features of COD in clinical practice and follow the patients periodically.
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    Reactive Hyperplasias in the Oral Mucosa: Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Bağcı, Nuray; Peker, İlkay; Üçok, Özlem
    Purpose: Reactive hyperplasias are often encountered tumor-like exophytic lesions of the oral mucosa, but they are not a neoplasm. Local factors such as dental calculus, food residue stuck between teeth, incompatible prosthetic restoration, and systemic factors such as hormonal changes play a role in the etiology of these hyperplasia. The aim of this presentation is to evaluate the possible etiological factors, clinical, and radiological findings of 10 reactive hyperplasia cases seen in different regions of the mouth. Case report: Ten patients (seven females and three males) with a mean age 40.2 applied to our clinic with complaints of swelling in the mouth. In the medical anamnesis, it was learned that three (30%) patients had recently given birth and the related swelling started to occur in the second trimester of pregnancy, three (30%) patients had different diseases such as heart, hypertension, diabetes, and cholesterol, and were under regular medication for systemic disease. There was no finding on extraoral examination. In intraoral examination, mass lesions which red and/or pink, lobular/nodular, painless, pedunculated and/or sessile, and smooth and/or ulcerated was seen on the maxilla of six patients, mandible of three patients, and lower lip mucosa of one patient. Poor oral hygiene in seven (70%) patients, prosthetic restoration in the lesion-related area in two (20%) patients, and attrition incisal tooth surface and diastema in one (10%) patient were found. Radiographic examination revealed that minimal resorption on the alveolar crest in the lesion-related area of only three (30%) patients was seen. All lesions were histopathologically examined after surgical excision. According to the clinic, radiographic and histopathological features, diagnosis of the lesions was made as pyogenic granuloma (four cases; 40%), peripheral ossifying fibroma (three cases; 30%), traumatic fibroma (two cases; 20%) and peripheral giant cell granuloma (one case; 10%). Conclusion: It was concluded that the lesions examined in this case series were mostly caused by local factors. The clinical findings observed in the patients were red nodular mass, painless, soft, and smooth-surfaced. In the radiographic examination, no finding was detected in most of the lesions.