Cilt:67 Sayı:02 (2018)
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Item A theorem on weighted approximation by singular integral operatorsGÜLLER, Özge Özalp; İBİKLİ, ErtanItem Modifications of knuth randomness tests for integer and binary sequencesKOÇAK, Onur; SULAK, Fatih; DOĞANAKSOY, Ali; UĞUZ, MuhiddinItem Cesàro summability of integrals of fuzzy-number-valued functionsYAVUZ, Enes; TALO, Özer; COŞKUN, HüsamettinItem Portfolio optimization under parameter uncertainty using the risk aversion formulaKEMALOĞLU, Sibel Açık; İNAN, Gültaç Eroğlu; APAYDIN, AyşenItem (WEAKLY) n-cleanness of the rinf ZmKHASHAN, Hani A.; HANDAM, Ali H.Item The voronovskaja type asymptotic formula for q-derivative of integral generalization of q-bernstein operatorsMISHRA, Vishnu Narayan; PATEL, PrashantkumarItem Fixed points for generalized (f; h; α; μ) ¬– V - contractions ın b-metric spacesÖZTÜRK, Vildan; TÜRKOĞLU, Duran; ANSARI, Arslan HojatItem Nonlinear self adjointness and exact solution of fokas.olver.rosenau.qiao (forq) equationTAŞCAN, Filiz; ÜNSAL, Ömer; AKBULUT, Arzu; SAN, SaitItem On the geometry of pseudo-slant submanifolds of a nearly sasakian manifoldDİRİK, Süleyman; ATÇEKEN, Mehmet; YILDIRIM, ÜmitItem Some new simpson type inequalities for the p-convex and p-concave functionsİŞCAN, İmdat; KONUK, Nihan Kalyoncu; KADAKAL, MahirItem On metallic semi-symmetric metric f - connectionsKARAMAN, ÇağrıItem A generalization of the peano kernel and its applicationsBUDAKÇI, Gülter; ORUÇ, HalilItem Blending type approximation by bézier-summation-integral type operatorsACAR, Tuncer; KAJLA, Arun