Cilt:32 (1983)
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Item A Note On Hardy's TheoremSABİR, HasanItem Homolohy Group and Generalized Riemann -Roch TheoremULUÇAY, CengizItem On the Radius of Starlikeness of certain Analytic Functions with integral RepresentationPANDEY, R.K.;BHARGAVA, G.PItem Properties of Dimensional Ruled Surfaces In The Euclidean n-Spaca E n and Masseys TheoremKELEŞ , S.;KURUOĞLU, N.Item An Integral Formula and Inverse Fundamental Forms on Hypersurfaces In Riemannian ManifoldsERDOĞAN, M.;HACISALİHOĞLU, H.H.Item On the Summability Factors of Infinite SeriesBOR, HüseyinItem Aspect De L' Homotopie ConcreteHOFF, GeorgesItem On the Minimal HypersurfacesKARLIĞA, B.;HACISALİHOĞLU, Hilmi H.Item A Note On The Integrability Class of the Sine Transorm of a Monotonic FunctionZAINI , S. Zahıd Alı;SABİR, HasanItem Fixed Point Theorems For A Class Of MappingsKHAN, M.S.;IMDAD ,M.Item On The Lie Group of Umbrella MatricesKURUOĞLU, N.;HACISALİHOĞLU, H.H.Item SOME FİXED POİNT THEOREMS IVKHAN, M.S.;IMDAD ,M.;SWALEH, M.Item Integrability of Power Series with Qunasi- Monotone CoefficientsZAINI , S. Zahıd Alı