Cilt:30 Sayı:01 (2021)


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    Taxonomıc contrıbutıons to the genus dıanthus (caryophyllaceae) from Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Hamzaoğlu, Ergin; Other; Other
    According to the related literature and some taxonomic websites, it was proven that Dianthus liboschitzianus and D. erinaceus (var. erinaceus) are the valid names, which are accepted as a synonym. It was determined that Dianthus erinaceus var. alpinus not D. erinaceus (var. erinaceus) is a taxon, which is a synonym under Dianthus webbianus. Furthermore, the lectotypes were determined for Dianthus erinaceus and D. masmenaeus var. glabrescens, which was typed by being based on more than one specimen.
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    The nın-lıke proteın (nlp) famıly ın common bean: genome-wıde ıdentıfıcatıon, evolutıon and expressıon analysıs
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Büyük, İlker; Biyoloji; Fen Fakültesi
    One of the plant-specific transcription factor families that play an important role in responses to nitrogen deficiency is NODULE INCEPTION-like (NIN-like) proteins (NLPs). However, the properties and evolutionary relationships of NIN genes in P. vulgaris, which enable nodule formation naturally, have not been studied yet. 12 Pvul-NIN genes have been identified in this study and the approximate positions of these genes have been determined. At the same time, several biochemical and physicochemical properties of NIN-like proteins have been elucidated. Comparisons between both monocot and dicot, but also nodule binding and non-nodule binding species were considered when investigating the evolutionary relationships of NIN genes. 16 duplication events (14 segmental and 2 tandem) have been shown to play a role in the expansion of the NIN gene family in P. vulgaris. In addition, comparative expression analysis of NIN genes was performed by processing publicly available RNAseq data and different levels of Pvul-NIN gene expression under both salt and drought stress were detected, suggesting the roles of Pvul-NIN gene for abiotic stress response. Expression levels of NIN genes have also been investigated in different plant tissues and have been shown to be intensely expressed in nodules and root tissues. This is the first study on the in-silico detection and characterization of Pvul-NIN genes to examine gene expression levels in common bean. The results could therefore provide the basis for future studies of functional characterization of Pvul-NIN genes.
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    New localıty records for eumeces schneiderii (daudin, 1802) and trapelus ruderatus (olivier, 1804) wıth the morphologıcal data from eastern anatolıa, Turkey
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Şahin, Mehmet Kürşat; Other; Other
    In this study, we report new locality records for Eumeces schneiderii and Trapelus ruderatus from Malatya, Eastern Anatolia. As the new locality is about 60 km north of the known distribution area for E. schneiderii from Malatya and T. ruderatus is the first record for this province. A summary of metric and meristic characteristics was with color-pattern features was given for these specimens. Moreover, the explored locality’s importance for the species biogeography via Anatolian diagonal was emphasized.
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    Bıochemıcal and pathologıcal effects on the male rat hepatıc tıssue after exposure to 900mhz electromagnetıc fıeld durıng adolescent perıod
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Keleş, Ayşe İkinci; Other; Other
    The aim of this study was to employ biochemical analysis and histopathological techniques to investigate the effects of the application of a 900-megahertz electromagnetic field during adolescence on the rat liver. 24 male Sprague Dawley rats aged 21 days were randomly divided into electromagnetic field, sham and control groups. No procedure was performed on the control group rats. Electromagnetic field group rats were exposed to a 900-megahertz electromagnetic field in an electromagnetic field application cage (1 hours/day, every day for 25 days). The sham group rats were placed in the same electromagnetic field cage without exposure to electromagnetic field. At the end of the experiments, the livers were removed. The livers were used for histopathological evaluation (light, electron and immunofluorescence microscopy) and biochemical analyses. Biochemical analyses revealed increased lipid peroxidation and glutathione values while catalase and superoxide dismutase values were decreased in electromagnetic field group. Electron microscopy evaluations identified necrotic hepatocytes with numerous cytoplasmic and mitochondrial vacuoles in electromagnetic field group sections. We also observed an enlarged endoplasmic reticulum and loss of mitochondrial matrix, in addition to the presence of vacuoles. Also, loss of inner and outer mitochondrial membrane integrity was observed. Light microscopy evaluations revealed sinusoidal capillary dilatation and degeneration in hepatocytes with cytoplasmic swelling, vacuolar degeneration and pyknotic nuclei in electromagnetic field group sections. Deterioration in the integrity of the collagen fibers was also present around the vena centralis. Additionally, electromagnetic field had no effect on body weight. Therefore, we conclude that continuous 900-megahertz electromagnetic field treatment may cause changes in oxidative stress biomarkers and the morphology of the adolescent rat liver.
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    Alteratıons of aldose reductase actıvıty by ındole-3-carboxaldehyde derıvatıves
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Yıldırım, Özlem; Biyoloji; Fen Fakültesi
    In diabetic conditions, aldose reductase (AR, EC activity is significantly increased in lens, kidney and nerve tissues. Mainly in ocular and neural tissues increased levels of sorbitol is associated with diabetic complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropahty, cataract formation and also tissue damage via increased reactive oxygen speices. Recently, there are many studies that show the relationship between this enzyme family and cancer. Aldose reductase is important for the pathway and in turn has been a potential target for drug design. Great number of aldose reductase inhibitors (ARIs) are used for prevention or delay of these diabetic complications and cancer. However, effective ARIs which has benefits in diabetic complications are still under investigation. In this study aldose reductase was partially purified from bovine lens and the inhibitory effects of 16 different indol-3-carboxyaldehydederivatives on aldose reductase enzyme activities were examined by kinetic assays. These results suggested that N'-[(5-bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)methylidene]pyridine-4-carbohydrazide showed that the highest inhibitory activity on AR.
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    Characterızatıon of ıts1 secondary structure ın ten specıes of coluteocarpeae (brassıcaceae) and ıts taxonomıcal utılıty
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2021) Özgişi, Kurtuluş; Other; Other
    Utility of the internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) of ribosomal RNA sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among organisms have been proven. Although ITS1 and ITS2 are highly variable in sequence, they have conserved structures that have a key function in the processing of rRNA gene transcripts. Determining of such a conserved motif can help to identify relationships between organisms. Since ITS2 has much more conserved secondary structure, structural properties of ITS1 are generally neglected by researchers. In this study, ITS1 secondary structures of ten representative species, which were once assigned under different genera, of tribe Coluteocarpeae were determined. Also taxonomical utility of ITS1 secondary structure was also tested. Analyses indicate that there are four different types (4-, 6-, 7- and 8 hairpin) of secondary structures. On the other hand, each sequences have a conserved region that is common among land plants. Since previous studies reveals other species, that belong different tribes or lineages of Brassicaceae show similar ITS1 secondary structure, it is not a useful delimitation tool for investigated species in terms of taxonomy.