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    Investigation of Frequency of Heterotopic Teeth: A Cone Beam CT Study
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Yüce, Fatma; Tassoker , Melek
    Aim: Teeth that occur in distant places from the alveolar arch (maxillary sinus, orbit, infratemporal fossa, condylar region, etc.) because of various local or systemic factors are named heterotopic teeth. The heterotopic tooth is a rare phenomenon. Although the etiology is still unknown, it is known that it may be seen due to pathologies caused by cystic lesions, cleft lip-palate, trauma history, and infectious conditions. They are usually asymptomatic, so they are detected by chance in routine clinical and radiological examinations. This study aims to determine the frequency of heterotopic permanent teeth and their anatomical localization with the help of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: This study was retrospectively performed with CBCT slices. CBCT sections of 2590 individuals (1432 females, 1158 males) between the ages of 10-89 (mean: 44 ± 17 years) were evaluated in the study. Heterotopic teeth were investigated using coronal, axial, sagittal CBCT sections in regions distant from the maxillary-mandibular arch. SPSS V.21 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used for data analysis. Results: Heterotopic teeth were found in 10 of 2590 individuals (0.4%). All of the heterotopic teeth detected are molar teeth; 4 are mandibular third molar teeth, 5 are maxillary third molar teeth and 1 is maxillary second molar tooth. The frequency of heterotopic teeth according to gender did not show a statistically significant difference (4 females, 6 males) p> 0.05. The average age of individuals with heterotopic teeth is 35.3 (17-65 years). 4 of the heterotopic impacted teeth are located in the ramus and 6 in the maxillary sinus. Conclusions: The prevalence of heterotopic teeth is very rare (0.4%). The teeth with the highest frequency of heterotopia are the third molars. Heterotopic teeth do not have an anatomical location and gender that they prefer predominantly.
    Frequency of Pericoronal Radiolucency in Impacted Teeth: A Panoramic Radiography Study
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Ataözden, Tahir; Coşkun , Fikret Özgür; Özüdoğru , Semanur
    Aim All permanent teeth can remain impacted. Impacted teeth can remain in the jaw for years without showing any symptoms and causing a pathological event, and they can also cause neuralgiform pain, infection, teinporomandibular joint complaints, root resorption in neighboring teeth, and pathologies. Pericoronal radiolucency observed over 2.5 mm in radiographic imaging is suspicious. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency of pericoronal radiolucency in impacted teeth examined on panoramic radiographs. Methods The study was conducted by retrospectively examining panoramic radiographs of 1128 patients (633 females, 495 males) over the age of 18. Permanent impacted teeth with complete root development were included in the study, and primary teeth, mesiodens, supernumerary and supplemental impacted teeth were excluded from the study. Pericoronal radiolucency was recorded as 'present' in case of pericoronal radiolucency (>3 mm) associated with impacted permanent tooth on panoramic radiographs. SPSS v.21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) program was used to analyze the data. Results The mean age of the individuals included in the study was 31±11 years (18-85). A total of 2247 impacted teeth from 1128 individuals were evaluated. Pericoronal radiolucency was detected in 208 impacted teeth (9.3%). There was a statistically significant relationship between gender and the frequency of pericoronal radiolucency (p<0.05). The frequency of pericoronal radiolucency is lower in females and individuals over 60 years of age. Conclusion The frequency of pericoronal radiolucency associated with impacted teeth is 9.3%. This condition is more likely to be seen on radiographic examinations in males and individuals under 60 years of age. It is recommended that teeth that have erupted but are not located in the arch in clinical examination should be carefully examined radiologically in order to detect them at an early pathological stage and to make appropriate treatment.
    Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness Levels of Healthcare Professionals and Candidates on Dentoalveolar Injuries
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Ataözden, Tahir; Coşkun , Fikret Özgür; Özüdoğru, Semanur
    Purpose: To evaluate the knowledge and awareness levels about traumatic dental injuries of various healthcare professionals and candidates who may encounter dentoalveolar injuries. Material and Methods: In this study, A total of 160 people, consisting of 3rd, 4th, 5th year students (47) studying at Faculty of Medicine, 3rd and 4th year students (91) studying at School of Nursing, and emergency physicians, emergency and traumatology nurses, and otorhinolaryngologist and specialist nurses (22) attended. Participants were asked to answer the questionnaire forms sent in digital environment. Results: 82.3% of the participants stated the percentage of teeth and jaws affected by trauma to the head and facial area as 40‐60% or more. When asked about what to do when you encounter an avulsed tooth case, 50.9% of them stated that they will refer the patient to the dentist and 48.4% should be in the first half hour, 11.3% of them reimplanting the avulsed tooth. While 23.9% of the participants preferred sterile saline solution during the transportation of the avulsed tooth, 33.3% stated that they did not have any knowledge. In addition, 29.6% stated that it was possible to replace the permanent tooth in the avulse, 73.6% stated that it is appropriate to hold the crown part and insert it, 66% stated that if the tooth is broken, it is important to find the broken piece. 87.4% of the participants stated that it is important to participate in an educational program related to dental trauma and 85.5% of them want to participate in an educational program. Conclusion: Within the limits of this study; It was concluded that training programs to improve the knowledge and awareness levels of non-dentist healthcare professionals who may encounter dentoalveolar trauma are necessary.
    Periodontal Treatment Of Gingival Overgrowth Due To Amlodipine Use: Case Series
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Şayan, Pınar
    Aim: A common side effect of calcium channel blockers, which are frequently used in the treatment of patients with hypertension and cardiovascular problems, is that they can cause overgrowth in gingiva. Gingival overgrowths should be treated because they create inaccessible areas, making oral hygiene practices difficult due to increased plaque retention. In this case series, clinical properties of gingival overgrowths deriving from the usage of amlodipine, which is a type of calcium channel blockers and its treatment protocols are explained. Methods: Three male patients aged 15, 60 and 45 applied to our clinic with the complaints of gingival overgrowth and bleeding. In the anamnesis, it was learned that they were using antihypertensive medication containing amlodipine. In the first session, scaling and root planning applications were performed. Then, the patients who were given detailed oral hygiene instructions, consulted with the relevant physicians. It was deemed appropriate to replace the drug the patients were using with another antihypertensive drug, which is an alternative that does not lead to gingival overgrowth. After the controls performed at certain time intervals and oral hygiene evaluations, it was observed that a perfect recovery was achieved. In addition to these, gingivoplasty was performed using classic surgical method under local anesthesia on one case. Results: All three patients showed uneventful healing without any complications. During periodic controls, it was observed that patients’ complaints disappeared, the gingiva regained their natural physiological form, aesthetically pleasing results were achieved, no recurrences were observed in the 6th month and periodontal health could be maintained. Conclusion: The treatment protocol for gingival overgrowth due to drug use includes the replacement or discontinuation of the current drug with an alternative drug with the physician's consultation, after the initial periodontal treatment and oral hygiene practices, periodontal surgical procedures and regular controls in severe cases.
    Colour Stability of Different Denture Teeth Stored in Various Beverages
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2022) Deniz, Şule Tuğba; Özkan, Pelin
    Aim: New types of denture teeth using modified acrylic resin that incorporate cross-linking agents and composite resin containing different types of filler have become increasingly common. It has been possible to produce nano-sized filler particles with nanotechnology. However, evidence-based information regarding composition and properties is lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the colour stability of four commercially available denture tooth materials with different chemical structure when subjected to various beverages. Methods: Conventional acrylic resin, reinforced acrylic resin, microfiller composite resin, and nanofiller composite resin teeth with different brands were used, for a total of four different denture teeth groups. Denture teeth were subjected to four beverages (tea, filtered coffee, cola, and cherry juice) and distilled water as control. The test period of 24 hours appears comparable to approximately 1 month of normal beverage consumption. The test periods used in this study were arranged according to this protocol and 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months of normal beverage consumptions were simulated. From each group, 10 maxillary first molar denture teeth were immersed in each of the five solutions. The baseline, 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month values for colour change of denture teeth were measured. Results: The differences of each value were calculated by one-way ANOVA statistically. For colour changes (ΔE) there was no significant difference among the specimens immersed in distilled water (Tukey HSD test, p>0.01). The highest colour changes were recorded for the specimens of Integral and Major immersed in cola, whereas for the specimens of Veracia and Orthosit immersed in tea (Tukey HSD test, p<0.01). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, daily intake of common beverages may lead to colour changes of denture teeth. Microfiller composite resin denture tooth material is recommended due to its improved physical properties.