Equitable edge coloring on tensor product of graphs

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Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi


A graph G is edge colored if different colors are assigned to its edges or lines, in the order of neighboring edges are allotted with least diverse k-colors. If each of k-colors can be partitioned into color sets and differs by utmost one, then it is equitable. The minimum of k-colors required is known as equitably edge chromatic number and symbolized by χ ′ = ( G ) . Further the impression of equitable edge coloring was first initiated by Hilton and de Werra in 1994. In this paper, we ascertain the equitable edge chromatic number of P m ⊗ P n , P m ⊗ C n and K 1 , m ⊗ K 1 , n .



Equitable edge coloring, Tensor product
