Molecular identification of Paramphistomidae obtained from ruminants in Van province

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Ankara Üniversitesi


This study was aimed to identify Paramphistomum species from infected ruminants (sheep and cattle) by molecular methods between March 2018 and September 2018 at Van municipality slaughterhouse. In the research, the rDNA ITS-2 gene region of adult Paramphistomums was amplified by PCR method. Amplicons 399 bp long were viewed in agarose gel. As a result of bidirectional sequence analysis made from PCR amplicons, Paramphistomum leydeni and Calicophoron daubneyi species were identifyed. Amplicon sequences were compared by BLAST with reference sequences from Genbank. Phylogenetic tree was created with the Neighbor-Joining method by using the MEGA 7 program. Genotypes obtained from isolates were compared for exact or closest similarities. In conclusion, C. daubneyi, which was previously detected by morphological methods in Turkey, in this study, it was identified for the first time by using molecular methods. Also in this study, P. leydeni was reported for the first time in Turkey.



Molecular identification, Paramphistomum spp., PCR
