Generatıng Turkısh Lyrıcs Wıth Long Short Term Memory

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Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi


Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) has gained a serious achievement on sequential data which have been used generally videos, text and time-series. In this paper, we aim for generating lyrics with newly created “Turkish Lyrics” dataset. By this time, there have been studies for creating Turkish Lyrics with character-level. Unlike previous studies, we propose to Turkish Lyrics generator working with word-level instead on character-level. Also, for employing LSTM, we can’t send the words as string and words must be vectorized. To vectorize, we tried two ways for encoding the words that are used in dataset and compared them. Firstly, we sample for generating one-hot encoding and then, secondly word-embedding way (Word2Vec). Observational results show us that word- level generation with word-embedding way gives more meaningful and realistic lyrics. Actually, there have not been good results enough to be used for a song because of Turkish Grammar. But, this study encourages authors to work on this field and we do believe that this study will initialize research on this area and lead researchers to contribute to this as well.



LSTM, Machine learning, One-hot encoding
