Comparison of Microtubule Organization in Arabidopsis thaliana TUBGFP and MBD-GFP Mutants Exposed to UV-B Radiation
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Microtubule organization was compared between the Arabidopsis thaliana TUB-GFP and MBD-GFP mutants. Plant height and primary root length were measured, and microtubule dynamics were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy after UV-B radiation to reveal changes in microtubules. Damage caused by UV-B was comparable between transgenic lines and wild-type plants, although transgenic lines were more sensitive to UV-B than the wild-type. Spots and depolymerization of microtubules were detected in both TUB-GFP and MBD-GFP plants; however, MBD-GFP showed better adaptation of changes induced by UV-B treatment. These results indicated that UV-B inhibits the growth and development of transgenic lines, and the inhibitory effects might result from changes in microtubules, as determined by comparison between the TUB-GFP and MBD-GFP lines.
Microtubules, UV-B radiation, Arabidopsis thaliana TUB-GFP