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Item Gyttja'nın toprakta enzim aktiviteleri ile kadmiyum kapsamı üzerine etkisi(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003) Tamer, Nihal; Karaca, Ayetn; ToprakIn this study, the effects of different forms of Gyttja (coal gyttja-CG and humus gyttja-HG) and lignite (L). on some soil properties (a variety of soil enzymes, extractable Cd. pH, EC, lime and organic matter content) was evaluated within a 180 days incubation study in the laboratory. The Gyttja material was obtained from Afsin-Elbistan Lignite Mine Area located in Kahramanmaraş. The results showed that Urease and (5-glucosidasc activities were the highest when CG, HG and L were applied to soil in the rates of 4 and 8 %. Urease and P-glucosidasc activities were ranked in the order of CG > L > HG while sulphatase activity showed different rank as CG > HG > L. Similar to Urease, when CG was applied to soil in increasing rates, alkaline-phosphatase activity increased during first three months and then showed a decrease but it was found to be higher than that to be at the beginning of the incubation. HG and L addition to soil has enhanced alkaline-phosphatase activity at the end of the first month. Afterwards, it showed a decline through end of the incubation period. In the lights of these results. CG seems to be more effective on alkaline-phosphatase activity than those HG and L do. In the case of soil extractable Cd content, no change was seen in the amount of Cd in CG amended soil, whereas HG and L amended soils showed an increase in 90. days of incubation period. All amendments have caused to an increase in soil organic matter. The highest contribution to soil organic matter was obtained from L. which were followed by CG and HG respectively. While CG had no affect on lime content. HG led to a small increase and L reduced lime content, which may be due to the differences in the lime contents of organic materials used in the study. L amended soil showed highest EC value, which was higher than that in non-amended control soil for all different rates of L applied. The same situation was observed in the case of CG and HG with higher application rates (4 and 8 %). CG. HG and L caused to some changes in soil pH in accordance with their pH level. In the light of our results, coal gyttja seemed to be better alternative for agricultural use. Key Words: gyttja, lignite, soil enzyme activity, cadmium, pH. EC. organic matter, limeItem Organik toprak düzenleyicilerin toprağın enzim aktiviteleri ile buğday verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkileri(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011) Tamer, Nihal; Karaca, AytenBu araştırma; 2007-2008 ve 2008-2009 yetiştirme dönemlerinde Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Çiftliği’nde yürütülmüştür. Bezostaja ekmeklik buğday çeşidi ile tesadüf parselleri deneme deseninde 11 uygulama konulu ve 4 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülen çalışmada; organik toprak düzenleyicilerin bazı toprak özelliklerine, topraktaki mikrobiyal canlılığın göstergesi olan C, N ve P döngülerinde yer alan enzim aktivitelerine ve buğdayın verim ve kalitesi üzerine etkilerini araştırmak ve birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerini karşılaştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada; toprağın kimyasal parametreleri olarak; toplam azot (N), yarayışlı fosfor (P2O5), ekstrakte edilebilir potasyum (K2O), organik madde (OM), organik karbon (OC), C/N, pH, EC, kireç, biyokimyasal parametreleri olarak; alkali fosfataz, beta glikozidaz ve üreaz enzim aktiviteleri ve buğday verim ve kalite parametreleri olarak; protein, gluten, verim, bintane ağırlığı, bitki boyu, başak uzunluğu, başakta tane sayısı, başakta tane ağırlığı incelenmiştir. İki yıl süreyle yürütülen çalışmada, incelenen tüm karakterler yönünden yıllar arası farklılık önemli bulunmuş ve yıllar ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmiştir.Uygulama konuları kimyasal (KM) içerikli olanlar ve tek başına organik (TBO) içerikli olanlar şeklinde kendi içlerinde gruplandırılmış ve istatistik analiz yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre yapılan varyans analizinde; her iki yılda da deneme topraklarında hem KM hem de TBO içerikli uygulamalarda belirlenen N, P2O5, K2O, OM, OC, C/N, pH parametrelerinin zamana bağlı olarak azaldığı ve istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu belirlenmiştir. KM ve TBO içerikli uygulamalarda yine her iki yılda uygulamalara bağlı değişimin önemli olduğu, N, P2O5, K2O, OM, OC, C/N ve üreaz enzim aktivitesinin, kontrol, tek başına NP yada tek başına organik toprak düzenleyici içeren uygulamalara kıyasla, NP+organik toprak düzenleyici içeren BiyoSÜPERDAP, BiyoSÜPERDAP+yapraktan humik asit, tohum kaplama+DAP+yapraktan humik asit ve DAP+yapraktan humik asit uygulamalarının daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği saptanmıştır. Alkali fosfataz ve beta glikozidaz enzim aktivitelerinin zaman interaksiyonlarının, üreaz enzim aktivitesinin ise zaman ve uygulama inretaksiyonlarının önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buğday verim ve kalite parametrelerinin, KM ve TBO içerikli uygulamalarda denemenin ikinci yılında birinci deneme yılına göre önemli bir artış gösterdiği ve istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu saptanmıştır. İlk yılın kurak ikinci yılın ise daha yağışlı geçmesi bu artışın temel sebebi olarak görülmüştür. Denemenin ekonomik analizinde her iki yılda da Tohum kaplama+DAP+ yapraktan humik asit ve DAP+yapraktan humik asit uygulamaları ekonomik olarak belirlenmiştir. Hem iyi sonuçlar vermiş olan hem de ekonomik olduğu belirlenmiş olan tohum kaplama+DAP+yapraktan humik asit ve DAP+yapraktan humik asit uygulamalarının en avantajlı oldukları tespit edilmiştir.Abstract This research was carried out at the Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Research and Application farm during 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 growing seasons. In the present study, the effects of organic soil conditioners on some soil parameters, soil enzyme activities and yield and quality of wheat were studied in a field experiment with four plot replications and 11 applications in completely randomized parcel design and bread wheat varieties were used.In this study variety of soil chemical characteristics such as total nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P2O5), extractable potassium (K2O), soil organic matter (SOM), organic carbon (OC), C/N ratio, pH, EC, lime content, and biochemical characteristics such as alkaline phosphatase, beta glukosidase and urease enzyme activities and plant yield and quality parameters such as protein content, gluten, yield, thousand grain weight, plant height, spike lenght, number of grain per spike, grain weight per spike of parameters of wheat yield and quality were studied. The results obtained from different parameters per year were significantly different therefore, result were evaluated separately in the basis of year.Applications including chemical treatments (CT), and single organic treatments (SOT) were grouped and evaluated separetely for statistical analysis. The results showed that CT and SOT gave similar trends and N, P2O5, K2O, OM, OC, C/N, pH significantly decreased with time for both years. The applications “BioSUPERDAP”, “BioSUPERDAP+foliar application of humic acid”, “K-humat coated seed+DAP+foliar application of humic acid”, “DAP+foliar application of humic acid” gave better results compared to control, single NP and single organic soil conditioner for N, P2O5, K2O, OM, OC, C/N ratio and urease enzyme activity. These parameters analyzed for CT and SOT showed significant differences. Time interactions of alkaline phosphatase and beta glukosidase enzyme activities, and application x time interactions of urease enzyme activity were statistically found to be significant. Wheat yield and quality parameters for CT and SOT were evaluated for different years. In the second year, wheat yield and quality parameters showed a significant increase compared to the results of the first year which may be attributed to higher precipitation in the second year of the experiment. “K-humat coated seed+DAP+foliar application of humic acid” and “DAP+foliar application of humic acid” indicated that these applications were better in terms of the results of their economic analysis and suggested as the most advantageous applications for a better wheat agriculture.