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dc.contributor.authorABBASPOUR-GİLANDEH, Yousef
dc.contributor.authorSABZİ, Sajad
dc.contributor.authorIGNACİO ARRİBAS, Juan
dc.description.abstractSegmentation is an important part of each machine vision system that has a direct relationship with the final system accuracy and performance. Outdoors segmentation is often complex and difficult due to both changes in sunlight intensity and the different nature of background objects. However, in fruit-tree orchards, an automatic segmentation algorithm with high accuracy and speed is very desirable. For this reason, a multi-stage segmentation algorithm is applied for the segmentation of apple fruits with Red Delicious cultivar in orchard under natural light and background conditions. This algorithm comprises a combination of five segmentation stages, based on: 1- L*u*v* color space, 2- local range texture feature, 3- intensity transformation, 4- morphological operations, and 5- RGB color space. To properly train a segmentation algorithm, several videos were recorded under nine different light intensities in Iran-Kermanshah (longitude: 7.03E; latitude: 4.22N) with natural (real) conditions in terms of both light and background. The order of segmentation stage methods in multi-stage algorithm is very important since has a direct relationship with final segmentation accuracy. The best order of segmentation methods resulted to be: 1- color, 2- texture and 3- intensity transformation methods. Results show that the values of sensitivity, accuracy and specificity, in both classes, were higher than 97.5%, over the test set. We believe that those promising numbers imply that the proposed algorithm has a remarkable performance and could potentially be applied in real-world industrial case.tr_TR
dc.publisherAnkara Üniversitesitr_TR
dc.subjectMachine visiontr_TR
dc.titleA Video Image Segmentation System for the Fruit-trees in Multi-stage Outdoors Orchard under Natural Conditionstr_TR
dc.relation.journalTarım Bilimleri Dergisitr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentZiraat Fakültesitr_TR
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıtr_TR

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