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dc.contributor.authorAYKUT, Altan (Tez Danışmanı)
dc.contributor.authorFETAHOVIC, Zuhra (Yazar)
dc.description.abstractBu araştırma ile eşsiz bir edebi hazineye sahip A.S.Puşkin'in romantik eserlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Puşkin'in romantik şiirinin gelişimi içinde, ilk lise şiirlerinden en güzel lirik şiirlere; poemı "Ruslan ve Ludmila", ("Ruslan i Ludmila," 1822), Güney poemlerine "Kafkas Esiri" ("Kavkazski plennik", 1822), "Bahçesaray Çeşmesi", ("Bahçisarayski Fontan",1824), "Haydut Kardeşler" ("Bratya Razboiniki", 1827) "Çingeneler," ("Tsıganı", 1827) ve şiirsel romanı "Yevgeni Onegin"e (1831) kadar olan çok geniş bir yelpaze, bu kapsam içindedir. Belirtilen romantik eserler, Puşkin'in en zengin çalışmaları ve en güzel eserleri olarak kabul edilmektedir. A.S.Puşkin ilk olarak şiirlerinde K.N.Batyuşkov ve V.A.Jukovski gibi önceki kuşak Rus romantik şiirlerini ve 17,18 yüzyıl Fransız şairlerini örnek almıştır. Fakat daha sonra Puşkin'in şiir çizgisi yeni bir yön ve bambaşka bir ton kazanmıştır. Oysa Puşkin'dende, uzaklaşması beklenebilirdi. Puşkin bu beklentilerin aksine yöneldi ve sıradan Rus insanın, aktüel yaşam sorunları, halk kültürü,folklorü ve geleneğini kendine konu edinmiştir. Bu tavrı, Puşkin'in Rus edebiyatı'ndaki yeni ve reformist rolünü ortaya koymaktadır. A.S.Puşkin'in romantik edebi eserlerinde, döneminin halk sözleri sıcak ve özel kelimelerle anlatılmakta ve zengin halk edebiyatının en güzel örnekleri verilmektedir. Puşkin'in romantik eserleri Rus halk edebiyatından yansıyan sıcaklık ve soylulukla doludur ve tüm Slav halkının coşku dolu ruhları mükemmel bir şekilde ifade edilmektedir. A.S.Puşkin'in soyluluğu, onun şair-öğretmen ve şair-peygamber rolüyle belirginleşmektedir. O orjinal eserleriyle, genç Rus edebiyatçılarına yol göstermiş 178reflected from the Russian people literature and also full of with the spirit and enthusiasm of all the Slavic people. A.S.Pushkins nobility becomes evidential with his poet -teacher and poet prophet role. Pushkin with his first original works had been a guide and a support to the young Russian literates thoroughly. A.S.Pushkin had been a piece of cultural and spiritual world of Russian public and had created a deep seated impact over the Slavic culture. His works, translated into too many languages, reflect an awareness of Russian nationalism and also a international vision, going out of the national boundaries. Abstract This study aims at the investigation of romantic works of A.S.Pushkin's formidable literary resources The development of Pushkin's romantic poems starting from high school poems to his best lyric poems are as follows : "Ruslan and Ludmilla") ("Ruslan i Ludmila;"1822), Southern poems of: "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" ("Kavskazski plennik",1822), "The Fontain of the Bakhehisaray" ("Bahçisarayski Fontanel 822) "The Bandit Brothers" ("Bratya Razboiniki", 1 827), "The Gypsies" ("Tsıganı",1827) and poetic novel "Eugene Onegin" ("Yevgeni Onegin"1831). All these romantic works are accepted as Pushkin's richest and most beautiful works. A.S.Pushkin in his first poems influenced by and has taken as an example, the Russian romantic poets K.N.Batushkov and V.A.Jukovski and also 17 and 18 century French poets, But later his poetic line has changed to a new direction and tone. However, it should be expected that even Pushkin could have entered the routine line of the traditional romantism and diverted off the realities of life But he stood in the opposit direction of these expectations and has chosen the ordinary Russian man, actual life problems, public culture, folklore and traditions as his subjects for his work. This attitude, has given him a reformist and fresh role in the Russian literature. In Pushkins romantic literary work the public language was usedtold in warm and special words, the rich peoples literature was also given with the most beautiful examples. Pushkins romantic works are full of warmth and nobility 180reflected from the Russian people literature and also full of with the spirit and enthusiasm of all the Slavic people. A.S.Pushkins nobility becomes evidential with his poet -teacher and poet prophet role. Pushkin with his first original works had been a guide and a support to the young Russian literates thoroughly. A.S.Pushkin had been a piece of cultural and spiritual world of Russian public and had created a deep seated impact over the Slavic culture. His works, translated into too many languages, reflect an awareness of Russian nationalism and also a international vision, going out of the national boundaries.
dc.publisherAnkara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Batı Dilleri ve Edebiyatları Anabilim Dalı
dc.subjectDİL VE EDEBİYATtr
dc.titleA. S. Puşkin`in eserlerinde romantizm

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