Basit öğe kaydını göster

dc.contributor.authorBÜLBÜL, Mehmet (Tez Danışmanı)
dc.contributor.authorFİDAN, Halil (Yazar)
dc.description.abstractAbstract In addition, cost items of milk production in dairy farms, live weight and live weight gain in cattle fattening farms were investigaled. Firstly, İskilip and Ortaköy dist ricts were selected as samples from 9 districts of Çorum province, then, 13 villages from 88 villages of İskilip district, 2 villages from 15 villages Ortaköy district were selected as sample villages. The farms with a 60 % of their gross production value originating from dairy and cattle fattenig enterprises were taken into the frame work of this study. The sample farm among them were selected by using stratified random sampling method. So, 42 dairy farms and 38 cattle fattening farms were studied in this research. kIV Farm population, labour and land ownership on these farms were determined. Besides, the assets, liabilities an net worth on the farms studied were calculated. Financial results on these farms were olso determined by size groups. Finally, production costs of one kg of milk, live weight and live weigth gain on the sample farms were calculated and the physical input requirement of the dairy cattle and cattle fattening enterprises were also determined by races and size groups.
dc.publisherAnkara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarım Ekonomisi Anabilim Dalı
dc.titleÇorum ilinde sığır yetiştiriciliği yapan tarım işletmelerinin ekonomik analizi ve hayvansal ürünlerin maliyet unsurlarının araştırılması

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Basit öğe kaydını göster