Tiryakioğlu, Burhan2022-12-262022-12-262021https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.699831http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/86429An analytical solution is obtained for the diffraction problem. In an infinite cylindrical duct, the sound waves are emanating by a ring source. The duct is rigid for z < l and perforated for z > l. The mixed boundary value problem is defined by a Wiener Hopf equation, by using the Fourier transform technique. Then the numerical solution is obtained. The influence of the parameters of the problem on the diffraction phenomenon is displayed graphically. The present study can be used as a model for different applications. Reducing noise in exhaust systems, ventilation systems are some of these applications.enWiener Hopf, ring source, perforated, duct, saddle pointThe effect of semi perforated duct on ring sourced acoustic diffractionArticle702107310841303-5991