Ataman, Berrin CeylanSargıcı, Ebru Yeşim2022-06-102022-06-102006 time falls within the Eurpean Union?s social policy, goals of improving theliving and working conditions of workers. The legal basis of Community instrumentsconcerning working time is articles 94, 137, 308 of TEC. Working time can also bethe subject of European collective agreements. The basic instrument concerningorganization of working time is Council Directive 2003/88. This Directive shall notapply to seafarers and other Community instruments contain more specificrequirements for certain occupations or occupational activities, such as mobilworkers in civil aviation, mobile road transport workers and railway transportworkers. The objective of organization of working time is to guarantee the protectionof the safety and health of workers.1trHukukAvrupa Birliği Hukuku'nda çalışma sürelerinin düzenlenmesiThe organization of working hours in the European Union LawmasterThesis