Acu, Ana MariaAgrawal, PurshottamKumar, Dharmendra2021-11-092021-11-092019-08-01 the present paper we define a q-analogue of the modified Bernstein-Kantorovich operators introduced by Ozarslan and Duman (Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 37:92-105,2016). We establish the shape preserving properties of these operators e.g. monotonicity and convexity and study the rate of convergence by means of Lipschitz class and Peetre's K-functional and degree of approximation with the aid of a smoothing process e.g Steklov mean. Further, we introduce the bivariate case of modified q-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators and study the degree of approximation in terms of the partial and total modulus of continuity and Peetre's K-functional. Finally, we introduce the associated GBS (Generalized Boolean Sum) operators and investigate the approximation of the Bogel continuous and Bogel differentiable functions by using the mixed modulus of smoothness and Lipschitz class.enPeetre's K-functionalModulus of continuityLipschitz classApproximation properties of modified q-Bernstein-Kantorovich operatorsArticle682217021972618-6470