Kaya, KorhanKüçükler, Ali2022-06-212022-06-212001http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/82171SUMMARY Arthashâstra was written in 3 or 4 centuries BC to advise rulers in areas such as government, economics, politics and foreign affairs. There are various opinions as regards Kautilya's other names, whether he is actually the author of this book and about the period in which the book was written. In the first chapter of our thesis we summarize these varying opinions and also discuss the style of Arthaşâstra, the original sources and the historical developments in the period. In the second chapter of our thesis, two most important translations of the fifteen books that make up Arthaşâstra (by R. Shamasastry's and R. P. Kangle) are compared with the original text and also summarized. The names (in Sanskrit) and numbers of the 150 chapters and 180 sections that comprise the whole work are also given in the same chapter. After Arthaşâstra had been translated into English in 1909 by R. Shamasastry for the first time, it attracted the attention of many researchers working in this field. It was compared with other works from the point of view of the information it contains and also of the purpose for which it was written. The most well-known comparison is the one made with The Prince by Machiavelli. In the third chapter of our thesis, the similarities of Arthaşâstra with The Prince and also with the well- known examples of the literary form which is known as Risale have been touched on with some detail. It is very difficult to find sources in Turkish about this work which contains useful information for our modern times. In the fourth chapter we have designed two lists which will be useful to understand the contents of the thesis: One is a glossary of the special terms used in the thesis. The others is a list in the form of an index of the names mentioned in the thesis. They will also help, we thought, those people who will later work in the same field. 187trHindolojiKautilya`nın Arthaşastra`sıKautilya`s ArthashastramasterThesis