Aras, Emine SümerGhabelnezam, Shapour2022-06-282022-06-282015 are many stress factors affecting the development and growth of plants .heavy metal pollution is one of these factors. Recently, heavy metal pollution of major environmental problems. High concentrations of some heavy metals adversely affect plants and animals and human beings that are fed from plants and can cause toxic damage in cells and tissues. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects occurred in the seeds of eggplant seeds (solanummelongena L.) during germination stage that are exposed to zinc(ZN) concentration exposed at a molecular level and population level. With increasing concentration of Zn in the growth of the roots of eggplant seeds, it has been determined that dry weight and total soluble protein content was increased. However, when toxic limits are reached it has been observed that germination did not occur. In Ecotoxicology RAPD analysis is considered as a suitable biomarker for plants. For RAPD analysis, 8 of the original RAPD primers were determined in control samples of eggplant seeds. After ZN contamination 129 tape was used that were determined in control seeds changes have contained various band gain and/or loss. These results showed that in various zinc concentration genomic mold stability has been changed according to RAPD profile.trBiyolojiPatlıcan (Solanum melongena L.) bitkisi tohumlarının çimlenmesinde çinko (Zn) stresi ile meydana gelen DNA değişikliklerinin belirlenmesiIdentification of DNA changes in eggplant (Aubergine) (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings induced by zinc stressmasterThesis