Katar, MehmetŞahin, Nadide2022-04-212022-04-212008http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79276This study consists of an introduction and two chapters. In the introductory part of our thesis concepts on priesthood and the sense of priesthood in various religions have been emphasized. In the first chapter within the context of three main sects of this religion as Catholic, Orthodox and Protestantism, the origin of the sense of priesthood and its historical development have been discussed. In the second chapter within the framework of the three sects stated, an attempt has been made to give information concerning the organization of the priesthood in today?s Christian churches. In the Conclusion Part a general evaluation of the research done has been made. It has been seen in our study that the institution of the priesthood, which is believed to function as a mediator between the secular life and the religious life, has great importance for Christianity. The members of this religion see the clergy as Jesus Christ?s representatives on earth. According to the Bible, it is accepted that the Church has maintained the Jesus?s duty on earth by receiving the right means from the Jesus Christ to perform the divine duty properly, thus representing the divine authority. Within this framework, the clergy has important duties in the performance and execution of the religious life and teaching and practice of Christian ethic.trDini YaşamRuhbanHıristiyanlık'ta ruhbanlık anlayışıPriesthood in ChristianitymasterThesis