Kurul, NejlaTürk, Fatma2022-03-292022-03-292010http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/78114The aim of this study is to evaluate the alienation problem experiencing by high school students in education.In this study, it is aimed to identify the reflections of alienation in the field of education, reasons bringing about student alienation and reflections of alienation in students. The indicators of student?s alienation in education are discovered as meaninglessness, weakness, breaking the rules and social disharmony. The views of students are enquired so as to understand the reflections of traces of these negative emotion and attitudes, which are appeared as indicators of alienation, in students? school perception, educational activities, school rules, and student?s relations with school administrators and teachers. The qualitative method was used in order to understand more comprehensively the reflection of alienation in students, thus semi-structured interview technique was employed for achieving detailed and inclusive information.The interviews were conducted in two general high schools situated in Yenimahalle district of Ankara province in 2009-2010 School Term Years. The interview questions were identified in two phases. In the first phase, a focus group study was conducted with a student group including 10-12 individuals in the one of these schools and primary alienation factors of students in their life of education were identified. In the second phase, the main questions were defined by evaluating the findings achieved from the focus group study. The interviewed 20 students from the class 3 of high school were selected by school guidance teachers and lesson teachers. These students were determined according to their gender, their branches in the school, their successes in the school, and their participation levels in school activities, their obedience and disobedience to school. The students were determined by giving priority to those students having different features in each of the fields. The interview questions were asked on the bases of willingness of the students. The interviews were recorded depending on student permission during conducting interviews with students and taking notes. The interviews were transcribed with preserving their originality.The students experience alienation in education according to results achieved by this study. The students experience an emotion of meaningless, which were identified as the indicator of alienation, with school, lessons, contents of lesson and school activities.It is understand that students do not have equal and communication-based relationships with school administrators and teachers in school. Students recognize themselves as weak, passive and admitters in front of school administrators and teachers accepted as an authority by them.The most of the rules, which are laid down for keeping order in schools, are not regarded as a factor needed by the students. Especially, firmness in outward appearance practice in the schools leads to habitual disobedience to this rule by students. Students sometimes seek to moderate and also sometimes break the school rules.There are a number of activities designed for realizing social harmony of students by ensuring participation compulsory or willingly. While students influence positively from the activities to which they participate willingly, they states that compulsory activities such as club studies are meaningless for them. The expected results of the activities mostly are not achieved because of the fact that the context and varieties of the activities are not determined by students. Therefore, it is observed that social activities carried out in school are not able to make expected contribution to social development of student. The students do not attribute meaning to the activities which they participate in and experience alienation.One of the other important finding achieved from this study made among Class 3 of high school students is that the negative impacts of Student Selection Examination (SSE) on them. The students design their daily life and education life only with thinking this examination and shape their life styles in accordance with reality of this examination. The probability of not achieving university education causes a substantial stress on students since they believe that university diploma is the only way of getting job, carrier and statue in the future.trEğitimAnkaraLise öğrencileriLise öğrencilerinin eğitimde yabancılaşma sorunu: Ankara ili Yenimahalle ilçesi iki genel lise örneğiThe problem of high school students? alienation in education: Two general high school samples in Yenimahalle district of Ankara provincemasterThesis