Bilgin, BeyzaÖz, Ayşe2022-06-212022-06-212001 the following years from the onset of the Islam, islamic scholars focused on the concept of" takva" because of the importance given to this concept by Qoran. In the books which are interpreting and explaining Qoran the concept of "takva" is explained as being afraid, protecting one's self from the things leading to the wrong, abandoning sins, protecting one's self from attributing a partner to God, abstaining from the prohibitions of God and refraining one's self from the big sins. In the texts of Sufism (tasavvuf) this concept is understood as obeying God, abstaining from attributing a partner to God and from the things which are wicked and sin, refraining from the things which may be sin. It is also explained as turning away from the worldly goods and things and being grateful for what one has got and being patient for what one hasn't got There are confusions between those who want to maintain the old understanding of this concept mat is being afraid of God, protection and abstention and those who are in the academic cicles and interpret the religion according to the modern ages. Besides, there is a remarkable influence of religious groups on bom sides. Nevertheless in our approach, this concept is explained as being aware of one's potential, being free in the process of realizing one's self, loving anything created by God and behaving with a profound responsibility against God. Finally the argument that this aproach could be used in education for "behaviour improving" is presented and widely discussed. 77trDinBir davranış geliştirme modeli olarak ittikaittika' as a behavior development modelmasterThesis