Algan, NesrinŞahin, Hülya2022-06-132022-06-132006 study is composed of a theoretical framework and a field research thatis done for the purpose of concretizing the subject. The first part of the thesis isconstituted with a literature survey. In the second part, the Field Research isincluded.In the First Part of the study, some basic concepts related to participationsuch as democracy, representative democracy, radical (pluralist) democracy,environment policies, participation, governance, sustainable development,environment right, youth, non-governmental organizations and international ornational regulations related to participation have been investigated.In the Second Part of the study, the method of the study that comprises theselection of research place, population and sample, data collection techniques,questionnaire, data analysis and difficulties encountered during the study havebeen included. The study sample has been determined by Simple CoincidentalSampling Method. Qustionnaire have been answered by 149 young people (age of18-25) who are the member of non-governmental organizations that are active inthe area of environment. The data obtained from questionnaires have beenevaluated by using SPSS (Statistical Programme for Social Sciences) software.In the Second Part, the findings of the study have been included and theevaluated results have been compared with the similar study results and the effectsof the variables such as the age of the samples, their education levels, their foreignlanguage skills and their income levels on their participation levels to theenvironment policies creation processes.trÇevre MühendisliğiGençlerin çevre politikalarının oluşum sürecine katılımıThe participation of younth in the formation process of environmental policiesdoctoralThesis