Uysal, MeralŞahin, Bediha2022-08-092022-08-092017 research is based on a survey model that combines the qualitative and quantitative approaches. The quantitative survey was conducted among 380 students who applied to Cankaya Public Education Centre for Open High School Education in the 2015-2016 academic year. The qualitative survey was conducted among 38 open high school students and 8 open high school graduates. The quantitative survey data were collected by means of a questionnaire, whereas a semi-structured interview was used to gather information in the qualitative survey. In this research, the quantitative data analysis was carried out with the help of the percentage and frequency techniques used in descriptive statistics. The test of significance for the variables, however, is based on the chi-square technique deployed by inferential statistics. During the analysis of the qualitative research data, first, information presented as sound recordings was transformed into a written dataset. Afterwards, the written data were subjected to content analysis. The content analysis revealed topics and subtopics covered in the dataset and related to the purpose of research. These topics and subtopics were then interpreted so that they should correspond to the research objectives. The research findings are summarized below. 40.52% of the research group are women, and 59.47% are men. The percentage of women is lower than in Turkey's Public Secondary Education sector in general. The participants are 18 to 54 years old. The participation rate decreases with the growing age. Approximately 70% of the group are single. 50,5% are unemployed. 77.1% of the whole group either do not have an income at all or have an income equal to or lower than the minimum wage. These characteristics concerning the income and employment indicate a low socioeconomic status in the student profile. It becomes evident that parents' low educational level is a cultural factor that determines the educational status of their children. Following the example of the research group, it is clear that illiteracy is a woman issue. The percentage of women, which is generally low in the group, tends to increase together with the age. This situation shows that open high school education is an opportunity for women who are not engaged in the educational process due to their gender roles to continue their studies later in life. The fact that 37.6% of the group are 18 years old and younger shows, firstly, the problems connected with the involvement of younger students in traditional secondary education. Secondly, it proves that the 4+4+4 system makes it possible to continue education in an open high school. Open high schools are seen as a second chance to get education for those who cannot continue their study for economic reasons and have to work, as well as those who are alienated because of their gender, gender identity, sexual preference, beliefs, political views or those who do not have access to education due to their physical disability. It is worth mentioning that many of the reasons for not continuing education have an economic background. Research has revealed that the most popular reason for studying at open high schools is pursuing academic purposes, such as continuing education later in life. The second main reason is connected with professional goals, which include finding a job, changing jobs, or getting promotion. There is also a small percentage of personal goals, for instance developing confidence, satisfying one's wish to study, or being more cultured. Members of open high schools face a number of problems. Some of them are connected with the necessity to combine study and family life. There are also issues that concern the study process itself. A general review of people's opinions on problems that affect the study process reveals issues at all levels of the educational system. At the same time, a vast majority of the participants specifically mention learning disability that stems from the absence of face-to-face education. Another important observation concerning the study process reflects the fact that test-based education does not ensure solid learning. This research contains a number of proposals: - measures should be taken to keep the open high school focused on adults; the practice of encouraging younger students to be transferred to open high schools should come to an end; - the open high school should provide sufficient guiding and counselling service; - teaching materials should be developed considering the needs of adults, too, and distance learning should be supplemented by face to face education; - the secondary school curriculum should be revised with respect to its correlation with the university examinations; the traditional secondary school system should include effective guidance service to prevent students from dropping out due to behaviour problems and academic failure; - policies should be developed that will ensure that working adults can take a paid study leave for getting education; - adults should be provided with a variety of courses that they can attend easily, such as evening high schools or external student programmes; public support policies should be developed to provide access to the traditional secondary school system for those who experience economic problems.trYetişkin Eğitimine KatılımAçık OkullarUzaktan EğitimAçık öğretim lisesi öğrenci ve mezunlarının katılım örüntüleri (Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesi örneği)The participation patterns of the students and the graduated open high school (Ankara city Çankaya province case)doctoralThesis