Dere, AliAkgül, Yusuf2022-03-312022-03-312006 have been lots of written records regarding Gharibu?l Qur?an and Gharibu?l Hadith which are the creations of the great efforts that reflect the similarities to understanding the texts between the Science of Qur?an and theScience of Hadith developed following the Qur?an Science. It is obvious that those studies assist in realizing and interpreting the Qur?an and es-Sunnah correctly which are the basic sources of Islam. We see that the studies realized in our country on the Gharibu?l Hadith which is mentioned in the sources of the Method of Hadith and accepted as the highest one amongst the topics that should be known by a hadith learner are generally composed of the introduction and study of the works of Gharibu?l-Hadith. Accordingly, purpose of our thesis is both to introduce and emphasizethe importance of the early works which occured literary type in its historicalprocess by analyzing their sources, method and contents. With the expression of `literary type? which takes place in the name of our thesis we imply one of the types of Hadith Literature that means hadith publications. For this reason, in our thesis firstly we examined the appearing process and formation conditions of Gharibu?l Hadith which occupied place in the first records of the history of Hadith Literature. Moreover, we did assessments by studying works of biographies and early classic sources which have reached our era and independent investigations about this branch. We resricted our thesis to examining the following books; Gharibu?l Hadith written by well known Ebu Ubeyd el-Kasım b. Sellam (224/838), Abdullah b. Muslim b. Kuteybe ed-Zamahşari Mahmud b. Omer b. Muhammed (467/1074-538/1143) and en Nihaye fi Garibu?lHadith written by Ebu?s Saadat Meciduddin Ibnu?l Esir (544/1149-606/1209) since we thought that they were related to our topic and more important for us and accouhted the first boks and very popular in this field. Thus we tried to understand both internal developments and features of these works, and cultural and literary relationship of this content with its periods and with other subjects and effect on them. In the First Chapter of our thesis we dealt with the historical course of Gharibu?l Hadith. After studying the historical reasons for the birth of this literary type we continued examining the causes which influenced its formation under three main headlines; ?religious-social?, ?communicative? and ?scientific? effects. Besides, we tried to explain the significance of Gharibu?l Hadith here. In the Second Chapter, we assessed the works of Gharibu?l Hadith whose authors we had picked and chosen by comparing their sources, methods and contents. In the Third Chapter, we strove to find out the connection between Gharibu?l Hadith and other fields of science, and how it influenced them. In the Final Part of the thesis, general summary of our study, we evaluated the results that we had. To our conclusion, Gharibu?l Hadith Literature existed early to the date of formation of hadith science. Content of Gharibl Hadith Literature comprised of not only explanations of difficult morpholgical expressions but short serhes of hadithes. Consequently it is possible to say that those works consist of sources of supplies of the first serh activities in the history of Hadith Search Literature.trhadis ilimleriGarûbu'l-Kur'anGarûbu'l-HadûsEdebi tür olarak garibu'l-hadis: Kaynak-metod ve muhteva analiziGharibu`l hadith as the literary type: Analysis of sources, methods and contentsdoctoralThesis