Solak, Ali OsmanYüksel, Mehmet2022-06-092022-06-091999 this work, a new method was developed for the determination of trace amount of germanium in the presence of N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydroxybenzaldimine using adsorptive stripping voltammetry. This method is based on the reduction of adsorbed species formed between germanium(l V) and Schiff base on the surface of hanging mercury drop electrode. The reduction current for the adsorbed species was measured by square- wave voltammetry applied during stripping step. Effects of various parameters such as concentration of Schiff base and supporting electrolyte, accumulation potential and deposition time on the reduction peak were investigated. The working range of the method and limit of detection were investigated. The possible interference effects of some cations were examined. The method was applied for the determination of Ge(lV) in a synthetic sample of sphalerite. Mechanism for the reduction of Schiff bases and the elcctroactive Ge(IV)-Schiff base species were also proposed. 1999, Page: 113Key Words : Germanium, N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydroxybenzaldimine, Square Wave Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry, Cyclic Voltammetry, Adsorption.trKimyaAdsorptif sıyırma voltametrisiyle eser miktarda germanyum tayini için yöntem geliştirilmesiAn Adsorptive stripping voltammetric method for the determination of trace amounts of germaniumdoctoralThesis