Kurtdede, ArifUral, Kerem2022-06-142022-06-142006http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/8182649SUMMARYClinical, Haematological Signs, Association with FIV/FeLV Infections in Cats withHaemobartonellosis and Enrofloxacin Application in TherapyThe material of the present study constituted 12 out of 39 cats, referred to the University of Ankara,Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Internal Medicine, with Haemobartonella felis diagnosed on bloodsmears in which have at least one of the clinical sings related to probable haemobartonellosis such as fleainfestation, elavated body temperature, absscess formation related to fighting, continual outdoor roaming,anaemia, icterus, bronchitis and lmyphadeopathy. Diagnosis was confirmed by PCR in those 12 cats. Thepresent cats were aged between 1-10 years, 2 Persian, 3 Ankara and 8 cross breeds, of 4 female and 8male.Clinical examination was performed in cats constituting the survey and before (day 0) and aftertherapy (day 60) blood was withdrawn from vein cephalica antebrachii for 2 times for haematologicalexamination, PCR assays and biochemical examinations and blood smear was performed from fresh bloodon the patient.Primers were used targetting the 16S rRNA gene, producing a 170 base pair product fromMycoplasma haemofelis and 193 base pair product from Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum with 5?-ACG AAA GTC TGA TGG AGC AAT A-3? forward primer and 5?- ACG CCC AAT AAA TCC GRATAA T-3? reverse primers.In 9 of cats elavated body temperature, flea infestation in 9, tick infestation in 1, anorexia in 8,pale mucosae in 8, tachypnea in 6, dispnoea in 5, tachycardia in 4, dehydration in 4, respiratory distress in4, icterus in 3 and splenomegali in 3 cats were detected.Decreased haemoglobin in 12, decreased erythrocyte in 7, decreased hematocrite in 7 cats,increased AST and ALT in 7, bilirubin in 5 and urea in 4 cats, leucocytosis in 3 and leucopenia in 1 catwere detected.Haemobartonella sp. was diagnosed in all of the cats within the cytological examination of bloodsmears. The presence of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum was detected by PCR.In 4 cats out of 12 with a diagnosis of haemobartonellosis FIV antibodies were detected.Blood smear examination, PCR assay and haematological examination results obtained on day 60following therapy with enrofloxacin at a dosage of 5 mg/kg subcutaneously for 10 days suggested theefficacy of the antibiotic for the clearence of organism from the erythrocyte.As a result in cats with suspected hemobartonellosis on the basis of history and clinicalexamination, the causitive agent can be observed on cytological examination of blood smears, definitivediagnose and strain detection can be done by use of PCR assay, FIV can be detected as an co-infection inill cats and enrofloxacin was suggested to be effective at therapy.Key Words: 1-Cat 2- Haemobartonellosis 3-FIV 4-FeLV infection 5-EnrofloxacintrVeteriner HekimliğiHemobartonellozisli kedilerde klinik, hematolojik bulgular, FIV/FeLV infeksiyonları ile ilişkisi, sağaltımda enrofloksasin uygulamalarıClinical, haematological signs, association with FIV/FeLV infections in cats with haemobartonellosis and enrofloxacin application in therapydoctoralThesis