Tercan, ErdalUfacık, Ayşe İmren2022-04-292022-04-292009http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/79833Proceeding right is a right, taken to secure at Constitution, that creates some kinds of solutions at law world and these solutions are subjected at this work written as a master thesis. Essentially bringing a suit is related with procedural law. But, at basis of proceeding right, there is a real right which is wanted to be recognized or protected. So, bringing a suit creates some solutions not only at the procedural law but also at the substantive law. These solutions, created at the substantive law by bringing a suit, exist the subject of our thesis. In this way, our work is completed by studying the proceeding right, procedures of bringing a suit, solutions of bringing a suit and especially solutions of bringing a suit according to substantive law.trMedeni Usul HukukuMaddi hukukDavalarMedeni Usul Hukuku'nda dava açılmasını'nın Maddi Hukuk açısından sonuçlarıThe solutions created at the Substantive Law bringing a suit at the Civil Procedural LawmasterThesis