Aras, Emine Sümer2021-11-302021-11-302019 the course of cancer treatment, cisplatin has proven to be a successful chemotherapy agent. Several researches have been conducted in vivo and/or in vitro on gene expression changes occurring with the impact of this agent. The current study focuses on the alterations in CYP1A1 gene expression levels in liver cells by cisplatin and cAMP treatment. CYP1A1 gene which the expression levels were analyzed, encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes. Throughout the study, liver tissues from Wistar-type albino rat, also known as the laboratory rat, were used. For normalization of the data, the housekeeping gene TATA box binding protein (TBP) was preferred. The results showed that; gene expression was reduced in tissues subjected independently to cisplatin and cAMP, however the tissues treated with cAMP showed further reduction in gene expression levels. In contrast, tissues subjected to both cisplatin and cAMP showed an increase in the level of expression. This study aims to provide an alternative perspective for comparative toxicology cases and will also serve as a guide for elucidation of cases connected with forensic toxicology.encisplatincAMPWistar albinocytochrome p450gene expressionComparıson of toxıc and antıtoxıc effects of cısplatın and camp, at cyp1a1 gene expressıon level of wıstar albıno type rat lıverArticle281