Onulduran, ErsinDavlyatchina, Aigul2022-03-312022-03-312007http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/78196After the crash of the Soviet Union all the Central Asian countries became independent. Out of its integrational problems Central Asia did not take an important role in foreign politics at this period of time. But inspite of it one of Central Asian countries Kazakhstan had the situation more stabilized. That is why Kazakhstan especially because of its energy resources plays an important role in the region. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a kind of communicative bridge between Europe and Asia. That is why for the dynamic development of country?s economic relations with international and regional organization should be built. In this frame to view a more active politics in Central Asia and to build more constructive relations with Russia, China and the USA Kazakhstan needs to develop bilateral and multilateral relations and to cooperate with international organizations. In this thesis Kazakhstan is examined as an active partner of NATO. The main aim of Kazakhstan is not membership but the building of military and political cooperation between West and East Europe and Kazakhstan according to its inner politics principles. Kazakhstan ? NATO relations are developing in different ways. Conerning it by participating to the NATO Partnership for Peace, Individual Partnership Program, Science for Peace programs Kazakhstan aims at increasing its military forces, informative abilities and military educational potential.trKazakistanNATOBarış İçin OrtaklıkKAZBRİGBireysel Ortak ProgramıSanal İpek YoluIndividual Partnership ProgramPartnership For PeaceVirtual Silk HighwayNATO ve KazakistanNATO and KazakhstanmasterThesis