Onat, HasanAcar, Ayşe Neslihan2022-06-092022-06-092006http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81359Abu al-Qasım al-Ka`bû?s Interpretation of al-Mu`tazilah in his al-MaqÄ lÄ t, M.A. thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Hasan ONAT, Ankara University, Facultyof Divinity, Ankara 2006. 96 pages.This thesis is composed of an introduction and three chapters.The introduction covers details concerning the plan, contents, objective, and researchmethodology.Chapter one covers life and works of al-Ka`bû.Chapter two covers al-Ka`bû?s systematic approach to al-Mu`tazilah in his al-MaqÄ lÄ t.Chapter three covers general information about the characteristics and contents of al-Ka`bû?s al-MaqÄ lÄ t and his interpretation of al-Mu`tazilah in al-MaqÄ lÄ t.1trDinEbu'l-Kasım el-Ka'bi'nin Makalat'ında Mutezile'yi ele alış şekliAbu al-Qasım al-Ka'bi's interpretation of al-Mu'tazilah in his al-MaqalatmasterThesis