Ayhan, SerapSancar, Kahoru Niibe2022-06-062022-06-062005http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/81080The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of environmentaleducation for people in Japan, from the points of national policies; activities ofrelevant establishments or organizations as composing of four groups (central andlocal governments, municipalities, universities and NGOs), target communities andgroups; the scope of the related subjects and priority, characteristics and duration ofthe education; strategies and methods and also to evaluate the results obtained inorder to develop the recommendations to be used for the benefit of Turkey.The findings of the study indicate that in Japan The Ministry of Education isgiving more importance for environmental education in formal education, while TheMinistry of Environment is mostly engaged in informal environmental education. Onthe other hand, both Ministries in Turkey have been focused on formal schooleducation. This study also pointed out that municipalities in Japan are much moreactive than those of Turkey. They arrange nonformal environmental educationprograms, especially, training environmental leaders and also educating all familymembers together. As regards to the functions of universities are different betweentwo countries; in Japan, at almost all universities, lectures are open to public andconstantly conferences or seminars are arranged. But, in Turkey, universities are notopen to public and these activities are not frequently organized for public.As a result, it is considered to be necessary for Turkey to get benefit out ofJapanese experiences and develop the proper practices for Turkey in the very nearfuture.trEğitim ve ÖğretimÇevre için halk eğitiminde Japonya ve Türkiye örneğiEnvironmental education for people in Japan and TurkeymasterThesis