BORHANÄ°-NEJAD, SomayeDAVVAZ, B.2021-11-292021-11-292020-12-31 1934 the concept of algebraic hyperstructures was first introduced by a French mathematician, Marty. In a classical algebraic structure, the composition of two elements is an element, while in an algebraic hyperstructure, the result of this composition is a set. In this paper, we prove some results in topological hyper nearring. Then we present a proximity relation on an arbitrary hyper nearring and show that every hyper nearring with a topology that is induced by this proximity is a topological hyper nearring. In the following, we prove that every topological hyper nearring can be a proximity space.enHeper nearringTopological hyper nearringsComplete partOn proximity spaces and topological hyper nearringsArticle692141814272618-6470