Sancar, MithatDericiler, Özge Yücel2022-05-262022-05-262010 dissertation focuses on economic-social rights, the most controversial and neglected category of human rights law. Throughout the dissertation, alongside the philosophical and ideological reasons behind the negligence towards economic-social rights; current situation and the future of rights are discussed in the context of the crisis threatening the welfare state principle in which said rights are well protected and implemented.Dissertation consists of three main chapters. In the first chapter, parallel development processes of economic-social rights, welfare state and modern social policy are analyzed. Although the role played by the state varies in different welfare regimes, welfare state as a polity designates an active role and gives positive obligations to the state, regarding the organization of economic and social life. One of the fundamental components of welfare state is the construction of social policies on the basis of economic-social rights. Consequently, declaring that the welfare state has come to an end requires the abandonment of state?s obligations regarding economic-social rights, and deserting said rights to uncertainty. However, positive obligations towards the protection and encouragement of human rights are brought to states also as part of international human rights law. This matter is discussed mainly in the second chapter of the dissertation.Second chapter is mainly about the analysis of basic norms and mechanisms of economic-social rights in the context of international human rights law. In this chapter, economic-social rights are analyzed in the context of UN, ILO and European Council systems. In the dissertation, American and African human rights systems are mentioned only by outlines and in connection to the topic; while the EU, sub system of European Council, is excluded.As with all the rights, state has three fundamental obligations regarding economic-social rights: to protect, to respect, and to fulfill. States should work on implementing economic-social rights, with taking the comments developed by the relevant mechanisms according to the conventions that they have signed into consideration.In the third and last chapter of the dissertation, economic-social rights are analyzed in the context of the groups under risk, and it is attempted to determine the responsibilities of the state towards these groups. The risk groups put under analysis are women, children, people of old age, handicapped, minorities and indigenous people.trRefah devletidevletyükümlülükRefah devletinin krizi kıskacında ekonomik-sosyal haklar ve devletin yükümlülükleriEconomic-social rights under the clamp of welfare state crisis and obligations of the statedoctoralThesis