Yılmaz, Mehmet2022-12-262022-12-262021https://doi.org/10.31801/cfsuasmas.942909http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/86427The aim of this study is to examine the bivariate transmuted distributions in the literature and to propose alternative distribution. The method is based on mixing distributions of pairs of order statistics of a sample of size two. Some of proposed distributions allow both negative and positive Pearson correlations with admissible range between pairs of random variates. The results of the study gain importance in terms of eliminating or completing the missing aspects of the bivariate transmuted distributions existing in the literature.enBivariate extension, tranmuted distribution, dependence, bivariate distribution, Spearman’s RhoOn bivariate extension of the univariate transmuted distribution familyArticle702105510641303-5991