Ünal, MetehanBostancı, ErhanGüzel, Mehmet SerdarAydın, Ayhan2021-12-012021-12-012020-07-01http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/76563The intelligent machines concept is born in sci-fi scenarios. Today it seems to be we are much closer to realizing this idea than ever before. By imitating the human nervous system, machines can learn many things. This paper explains modern learning techniques like artificial neural networks, transfer learning. Later purposes an experiment to classify plant seedling images to test the transfer learning with two different CNN architectures. Although the architects were not actually created for this task, result were quite accurate for a different classification task.enPlan ClassificationConvolutional Neural NetworkAlexNetModern Learnıng Technıques And Plant Image ClassıfıcatıonArticle6221531632618-6462