Kurt, Hasan2019-05-172019-05-172003http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12575/66085https://doi.org/10.1501/Ilhfak_0000000145Abstract: The Appearance of the Samanids State. The Sanuınid dynasty appeared in Transoxiana in 1Xth century. The dynasty was attributed LO their ancestor. Saman. Their influence and fame began to increase with the period of Ma'mun. the Abbasid Caliph. In the beginning they were supported by the Tahirids, the viceroys of Khurasan and Transoxiana,' and they gradually gained power in the region. After the dedining of the Tahirids they were directly appointed for governing Transoxiana by the Ahbtısid caliplıs. But their dependence to the Abbasid caliphs \Vas basically in appearance. And evelltuall)' they founded their own states in Transoxiana.trSaman.. Nouh b. Asad. Nasr b. Ahmadİsmail b. AhmadTahiridsTransoxianaBukharaSamarqandDevlet kurma sürecinde SamanoğullarıArticleXLIV2109129